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Silent #1 class switching


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Lately on Silent #1 people are being class switched in the middle of the map, beginning of the map, etc.


It's very annoying when you have a good run, being a medic (mostl people complain being switched from medic to soldier) or another class and you get switched in the middle of the map. Once switched one easily loses concentration and the entire run is gone to pieces.


I'm assuming this has something to do with the amount of people being in-game and the availability of slots (eg. less players = less medic slots).


Perhaps it's possible to add one or two extra slots where they are limited to atleast lower the class switching and see how that goes?


I ofcourse do realize (for example) the medic class is being limited so that not everyone goes medic and the game gets balanced more, this is cool - till good medics are being switched to soldiers and bad medics (those who don't heal) stay/get medic.


Just my 2 cents.

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I think that bug (if it is a bug) only comes at the beginning of the map, after the warm up. But i have to admit is a bit annoyed, but nothing extraordinary.


It doesn't just happen at the beginning of the map or after warm up. It also happens when your halfway through the map. It's safe to say it can happen at any time throughout the map, but it does often happen at the beginning.

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It doesn't just happen at the beginning of the map or after warm up. It also happens when your halfway through the map. It's safe to say it can happen at any time throughout the map, but it does often happen at the beginning.

I confirm

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Ya remember we asked for extra slots already? Dare gave Us an extra medic when the server is Full but if it drops below a certain numbers of player then the extra medic slot goes away. Not sure if there's a way to make it wait until the end of map before it goes away but I'm almost positive that's the reason.


I think he should have added and extra engineer too, but oh well.

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Yup, i can confirm this too, it's quite annoying that you just get thrown to the soldier class in the middle of a map.

though, i am wondering if it's only on silent 1? or on the HC server too, since they use the same version of silentmod.

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post it here if you want it taken care of quicker ;)


Unfortunately, I do not have the required permission to do so. Perhaps someone else could post it there? I'd say give it a few days and if no-one replies then post it at that (bug?) tracker page; no need to rush we've lived with this issue for a while now. ;)



Yup, i can confirm this too, it's quite annoying that you just get thrown to the soldier class in the middle of a map.

though, i am wondering if it's only on silent 1? or on the HC server too, since they use the same version of silentmod.


I'm not sure either, I haven't had this issue on HC so far; but I don't play much on HC.


[edit: replied to VSSpeedy]

Edited by Xander
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