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4 french soldiers killed by an afghan soldier they were training


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4 french soldier killed by an afghan soldier they were trained to battle against Taliban, he was probably a spy ( according to Taliban)

They didn't have any weapon when they got killed.

President Sarkozy suspended all the operations to help Afghan troops, what's, imo, what Taliban wanted.

What an award to have helped others :(

It's war and they knew they could die everytime when they signed up in army, ok, but that stays a tragedy...


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That is indeed sad, but all the Afghan guys were training over there are just tools to make us seem more favorable. Theyre practically useless in a fight because they freak out and run away or just forget all their training and make the soldiers (US + germany,france,england, and others) fight by themselves.

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That is indeed sad, but all the Afghan guys were training over there are just tools to make us seem more favorable. Theyre practically useless in a fight because they freak out and run away or just forget all their training and make the soldiers (US + germany,france,england, and others) fight by themselves.

dont diss all of em, just cause they got some bad apples. Not all of em are cowards, just like not all soldiers are brave. I've helped train them and know that they are just as dedicated to trying to help their country as we are.


Its a sad loss when anyone dies, my thought to their families. Always horrible news.

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