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7 billion people and you...


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When you were born, you were the:5,465,509,557thperson alive on Earth

80,631,811,957thperson to have lived since history began


Population: 60676566


The average life expectancy in Italy is 81.4 years



You are 19, male and living in Italy



What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Little of the current growth is happening in developed countries like yours.

Young people: The world's population is young, like you. Under-25s make up 43% of the global population, but they make up 60% of the world's least-developed countries. Some 97 out of every 100 new births are in countries classified as less developed than yours.

Battle for resources: It is estimated that your group of the richest countries consumes double the resources used by the rest of the world. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.

Did you know? People in your area have, on average, more than one mobile phone subscription per person.


401 people

the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site


Interesting, to say the least. Didn't know all of that.

Edited by carnage.
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You are 47, male and living in the USA


You were the 3,290,675,663rd person



Your country's population is 310,383,948

Average life expectancy is 75.4 years



What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime and beyond, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Little of the current growth is happening in developed countries like yours.

Longer lives: Working-age people like you will be supporting increasing numbers of older people during the next decades. By 2050, there will be just 2.2 people of working age supporting every person aged 65 or older in the developed world. In Europe, this will drop to just two.

Battle for resources: It is estimated that your group of the richest countries consumes double the resources used by the rest of the world. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.

Did you know? The average family size globally has declined by half since 1950 - from five children to the current 2.5.


121 people

the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site

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You are 26, female and living in Australia


You were the 4,855,492,338th person



Your country's population is 22,268,384

Average life expectancy is 83.8 years


What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime and beyond, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Little of the current growth is happening in developed countries like yours.

Longer lives: In your area, women can expect to have one or two children. People are also living longer. This means people of working age like you will be supporting increasing numbers of older people. By 2050, there will be just 2.2 working-age people supporting every person 65 or older. In Europe, this will drop to two.

Battle for resources: It is estimated that your group of the richest countries consumes double the resources used by the rest of the world. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.

Did you know? By mid-century, the world's urban population is likely to be the same size as the global population was in 2004.


122 people

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You are 19, male and living in the Netherlands


You were the 5,489,259,465th person



Your country's population is 16,612,988

Average life expectancy is 78.1 years



What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Little of the current growth is happening in developed countries like yours.

Young people: The world's population is young, like you. Under-25s make up 43% of the global population, but they make up 60% of the world's least-developed countries. Some 97 out of every 100 new births are in countries classified as less developed than yours.

Battle for resources: It is estimated that your group of the richest countries consumes double the resources used by the rest of the world. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.

Did you know? People in your area have, on average, more than one mobile phone subscription per person.


253 people

the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site

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