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I think this kid is god, shhh don't tell anyone tho



you could learn something from him, why dont you do this in class and swing your ratty around your neck and say to some dude "COME AT ME MATE" B) 8-) hahahah

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The handwriting looks like it's written by a 15 year old. And the word 'ANOTHER' is spelled incorrectly.

I agree and if he were in my class it would be his last time. The class room is no place for this type of behavior. There are kids in this world who do want to learn and this is not good for learning. I rasied one of these kids and she is now 26yrs old, living home, no job, high school dropout, and I am raising my grandaughter because she is such a waste of skin. For you who applaud this type of behavior, well your day is coming.

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