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Dubstep/electronic music


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Tell me how you guys can like this DAFhADBDFhzfjhgdf! stuff. Seriously, i cannot see how. Some Rock and Rap songs get me in moods, but this music...It makes me want to kill myself.


Especially with todays all modern crap artists like Lady Gaga nd Katy Perry



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Idk? How do you like whatever music you like? What makes you like what you like?

Everyone likes something different,

Everyone likes a different style

If we all liked the same shit life would be boring.

You need to cut the "My music is better than yours" crap. It's extremely juvenile. I don't know what style you like, but I'm sure you don't see people starting whole topics just to jab at it. So why insult dubstep? It's a legitimate music style, I enjoy it, as well as numerous other styles of music. Grow up. Learn to accept things that aren't your favorite, and move on.

Insulting other peoples styles will get you nowhere in life. :)

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Im not meaning to bash it man, just wondering what you guys feel when you like it lol


Like with Rock, you get pumped, and Rap too kinda, but with Rap you wanna go out and do something crazy

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Everyone has their own taste, some people don't know how i can listen to Slayer and i just reply "i don't know how you can listen to that derivative shoved down your throat crap!" which i'm just saying out of anger :P

Edited by FiveMagic
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I could dis rap, say it's all about drugs & money & violence.

I could dis metal, and say it's all bullshit screaming and you can't understand it.

I can dis any style of rock and say the tempo changes too much to be qualified as good music (opera & shit)


No matter what, every style isn't for everybody.

We like how it sounds.

We like bass.

We like loud noises.

We like experimental shit.

We like to push bounds.

We like noises you don't normally hear.




Also, I like some rap, most metal, and almost all rock. Just using those as examples since it appears it is what you enjoy.

You need to learn to be more open in life though, child. :)

Edited by HannahG
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what lady gaga and katy perry have to do with dubstep?

Btw dubstep is one of the most undancable genres and it sounds like dying cats,but... some people like that,its all about preference.

Also you wont find anything better to hype up a club other than electronic music,unless you are at a rebecagagabiebertop40 club.

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I can't listen through my skull, only through my ears. And I'm not doing anything of the sort. You asked, I answered. That's all.

I can assure you if I posted


"How can anyone like (your fave style)? It sounds like shit. It makes me want to kill myself kjfdljlkfhlsdaf" etc, you would have answered in a rather hostile way. Instead of insulting your styles back however, I'm simply trying to get you to be more accepting. You say you're not bashing it, but, it seems to me you are. Just don't listen if you don't like it. /shrug.

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Tell me how you guys can like this DAFhADBDFhzfjhgdf! stuff. Seriously, i cannot see how. Some Rock and Rap songs get me in moods, but this music...It makes me want to kill myself.


Especially with todays all modern crap artists like Lady Gaga nd Katy Perry






You compare it to "Crap" artists (your word, not mine, another word for crap is shit, forget that?)

You say :


Tell me how you guys can like this DAFhADBDFhzfjhgdf! stuff.

but this music...It makes me want to kill myself.



If you were simply asking you would have stated as follows :


I was just curious what makes some people like Dubstep? I'm not particularly a fan, but I was curious.



As opposed to what you said which was essentially :


Blah blah blah it's bullshit stuff blah blah blah it's crap like gaga blah blah blah im gonna kill myself because of music.






Which you're also insulting Lady Gaga, which, there may also be fans of. Sigh.



Is that enough showing?

Edited by HannahG
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I wonder how you'd react to contemporary classical. :x


If you have trouble with dubstep, this will really 'make you want to kill yourself':







That just sounds like a 5 year old bashing piano keys, lol


On topic however, I'm don't see the appeal of dubstep or electronic but if people want to listen to it so be it, as long as they don't subject me to it. I personally can listen to most things that arent electronic or rap/hip hop, variety is the spice of life and listening to a variety of muisc helps keep things from getting stale and boring

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That just sounds like a 5 year old bashing piano keys, lol


On topic however, I'm don't see the appeal of dubstep or electronic but if people want to listen to it so be it, as long as they don't subject me to it. I personally can listen to most things that arent electronic or rap/hip hop, variety is the spice of life and listening to a variety of muisc helps keep things from getting stale and boring

thats how it should be,but then there are those pricks saying wtf this is not real music bring some oldschool/hip hop/rap/blahblah

thats where they should kill themselves.

Nothing to do with the op.

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