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AFKs on Jay2


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I know I've only been playing here for a couple months now, but I've been noticing it more and more. AFKS. Sometimes there isn't even an admin around to do anything and someone who is knowledgeable about F|A members will go fetch one somehow. Other times, such as just a while ago, there will be several afks for multiple maps consecutively and even pm's don't seem to get attention.


Having been an admin a LONG time ago in *fu*, I know that sometimes people get caught up in game and whatnot. This could certainly be the case. However, the lack of attention causes spawn camping by players who are willing to exploit that advantage. Either admins need to be more aware of AFKs, since the server is usually quite populated and they are bound to crop up... or someone needs to think about implementing a script that puts people into Spectator after having been inactive for like 7 or so minutes.


Either way, it is annoying beyond belief when teams look even but really, one team is down by like 3. I find no honor in getting majority of kills from afks, nor is it fun when it is your team which is hindered.

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Get a colead or leader to give u lvl 3 admin. You've been a regular on our servers for long enough that I beleive you are both worthy of that. The same goes for Shelled. U should both have admin....and this shouldnt be an issue. I'll see if I can get i done for u guys, when ur in-game...

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It will be helpful since I do pay attention to that, so thanks. But it still doesn't address the issue properly... what if no one with powers is around? Or what if, like early, F|A people are on but aren't really paying attention to chat/PM's?

With a script of some sort, it takes care of itself, don't you think?

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It will be helpful since I do pay attention to that, so thanks. But it still doesn't address the issue properly... what if no one with powers is around? Or what if, like early, F|A people are on but aren't really paying attention to chat/PM's?

With a script of some sort, it takes care of itself, don't you think?

Well in that case try to pm the F|A members some multiple times. sometimes don't see it, with some more pms you can mostly get their attention.

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