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unbanlanced teams


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Really dude? Saw this by chance.


You must be blind. I don't only use the mortar. I use the SMG's, I R-nade, I snipe. You just want to think that's all I do because apparently for some reason, it pisses you off. I don't know why, it's a free game, so as long as I'm abiding by the rules, I can play whichever way I want.


Also, there's a lot of maps I don't like. So I go spec, I'm not gonna play something I don't like playing. It's better than just screwing around getting 40 deaths in a row like you do.


Simply put, you can whine all you want. It doesn't matter.


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Really dude? Saw this by chance.


You must be blind. I don't only use the mortar. I use the SMG's, I R-nade, I snipe. You just want to think that's all I do because apparently for some reason, it pisses you off. I don't know why, it's a free game, so as long as I'm abiding by the rules, I can play whichever way I want.


Also, there's a lot of maps I don't like. So I go spec, I'm not gonna play something I don't like playing. It's better than just screwing around getting 40 deaths in a row like you do.


Simply put, you can whine all you want. It doesn't matter.


why do you think, i was talking about you?

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why do you think, i was talking about you?


When you can't say anything back, you pretend you weren't talking about me. Why? How about because of all the shit you talk about me on the server. Because you "accidentally" teambleed me from time to time. That's why. I know you were talking about me. Which is funny, you say I only mortar when the only thing you do is snipe.

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tell it wesker not me. I didnt say your name. I was talking about a guy, who s all the time spec and only joins the team e.g. on oasis, when flag is captured to increase his kd by mortaring. As you describe yourself, with rnade, sniper and smg, how the hell can you think it appies to you?

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We are trying to implement new ATB (Automatic Team Balance) in the mod itself.


Will take some time. Here is the present logic which I made few days back. Sure it's changeable before dev team starts working on it.


Remember there is PR rating also. Crack up the code and suggest new full working code or suggest new logic in a decent way and we will try to implement it.


May be we can do something like auto assign team like in COD series. Assign the team based on K/D.


Feel free to share your opinion/ideas/logic/code.


PS If people would stay on topic it would be good.

team balance.png

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i really like the idea of using COD4's auto assign feature. not sure how it'd go over with the ET community though. it makes it a little more interesting, especially if your team last map was horrid and you got raped for 20 mins, auto assign kinda just randomly plops you on a team

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Only one observation in relation to balance the teams based on K / D

Some bots have K / D higher than some players lol

Of course this case is specific to when the server is not full

In this particular case the K / D of the bots should not be counted

I say this because I've seen and lived situations of being a person with 3k K / D and 4 bots and the other team with 5 persons with K / D less than or equal to 1k (bots start with K / D equal to 1k if I remember correctly)

I repeat: Just started this topic because I saw the comment on the server: killer award

I decided to check the forum and it actually exists

Considered contradictory, there is this title and also the concern of balancing the teams.

I do not believe in a solution to this problem that is external

It is each person ... people are different and there will always be differences between what is expected and what is done

already said too much lol

Thank you for your attention

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its not the server, that makes uneven teams, some players are.


@dare devil:


you can have a similar system as you have posted on any ET server by using pb_sv tasks. You can start with it a loop, that does every 5 min !balance - if the teams are not uneven, nothing will happen. If they are 1 or more players will be moved.


Yesterday i have played venice, axis was for some minutes 2 players less, so axis started spamming !teams. I said: i dont care, since i always switch team. Noone switched, so i did after some minutes.

5 min later, allies team was 2 players less. I said !teams. Noone moved. Allies 3 players less. Well, i switched back. Some minutes later allies again 3 players less. I said !teams. Noone replied. I went spec. Allies 4 players less. Thats how it was till the end of the map.


This not a single example, its normal on hardcore.

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Yesterday i have played venice, axis was for some minutes 2 players less, so axis started spamming !teams. I said: i dont care, since i always switch team. Noone switched, so i did after some minutes.

5 min later, allies team was 2 players less. I said !teams. Noone moved. Allies 3 players less. Well, i switched back. Some minutes later allies again 3 players less. I said !teams. Noone replied. I went spec. Allies 4 players less. Thats how it was till the end of the map.


This not a single example, its normal on hardcore.


damn thats....anal ;)


And as for tyrone theres no need to get defensive. Its pretty much true what was said. Theres nothing in the rules in the server that suggest you cannot simply play to just get kills. So its not that your doing anything wrong per se. its simply the fact that because K/D is used as a balancing tool, having players such as yourself who have inflated K/D while not truely contributing to the map itself results in unfair teams even after shuffles.


Maybe theres some possible way to use a combination of PRW and KD. Thanks for looking into things for us regarding this subject daredevil it is much appreciated.

Edited by *Evil*Thuggin
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The issue with the !balance in ETPUB is that it f***s up more things then it balances. I can turn on ATB provided in ETPUB but it never works and it will keep moving players.


K/D atleast tells me 1 good killer against another killer.


Let's say one guy get's K/D using mortaring. Another one players with MP40 and get's higher K/D.


Then while using K/D we can at least get 1 killer vs another killer. Even though using mortaring he is getting kills.


Now let's say that mortaring guy moves to spec because he has not place left in map to mortar. Then avg K/D of whole team compare to another team will be messed up. Then we again !balance using K/D.


XP shuffle is totally useless. We have 2 options. Either K/D and PRW. The question at this point is how PRW is affective? Is it even calculating the way it should?


I have noticed in all games. ET, COD4, BC2, Black Ops, etc. that as far as one team is killing another team and there is room to move around, engineer will go out and will get the work done. With bad K/D imbalance one team ends up getting spawn raped and eng as no room to even move out of spawn areas.


Spamming !teams will not do much. Players like to kill and stack teams. The mode/game itself should stop it. Even in BC2 people stack it so badly in Oasis map that I can't capture the flag. It's human nature and there is nothing anyone can do unless you stop them from doing it.


The one thing I like in COD series is after every match, each player goes to spec and they have to reselect class. That makes release of heavy weapon hogging easily.


Some one needs to come up with straight forward logic.

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K/D says nothing about your skills, only how you play on server. If i wouldnt attack or go for objective, my k/d would definately be a bit higher.

Well, i go for beautiful kills, and i like some challenge in the worse team. but 2,3 player less and 25 min getting spawnkilled is boring. especially if your the only 1 leaving spawn or trying to go out.


Best games are when teams are even, and attackers go for objective and defenders defend it. Thats why i normally move when teams are uneven and game gets boring.


finally, you got me. Times are over, where i balance the team. Its just stupid, and if not even the FA admins do it, why should i do it?

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The issue with the !balance in ETPUB is that it f***s up more things then it balances. I can turn on ATB provided in ETPUB but it never works and it will keep moving players.


That first sentence sums up more or less all of the built-in team balancing features I've seen on mods so far. I've never played in a server with ATB enabled that didn't have create very unbalanced teams.


Seems like the raters don't give a shit about teams, where as the people you usually see as engi just want to get the objective done, hopefully have it be a close game. IMO I think the admins are doing a good job of keeping things fairly even on HC and Silent mod. You occasionally get a map where teams are way off, but usually by the next map people start to swap team and things get more even. I'm not sure implementing new team balancing protocols on these servers would do much more than cause work. I think letting admins do their jobs and switch people where necessary seems to be effective as long as the objective is to keep teams even rather than stacked.


When it comes to Jay and NQ, I don't play these servers except for rarely and getting that many people on a single server means your likely to have one team stacked constantly. IMO it should be the admins responsibility to 1. Keep teams even by being the first person to jump over to the losing team and 2. use the !putteam/!put command if needed and enforce the move by making sure the stacked team cannot be further stacked via !lock b/r.


If anyone ever decided to take a crack at re-doing the ATB balance feature and gets it even half way close...the gaming community should bow down. As Dare pointed out it's not just an issue with ET.

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