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Where do you see yourself in the future with FA?

I know I think about this alot, and I know some of you all do too, I have conversations with quite a few members as to what their goals, and plans were, as far as their future with FA is concerned. I don't think there is another topic that asks this question, so I thought I would. And so to start us off, I will go first, and hopefully this will catch on, and others will do so too.. Besides, it is good for leaders and higher ups to see where you stand, and I am sure will help us all when it comes to promoting, and putting people in the right places..



I joined FA almost 2 years ago, I was playing ET and found the Silent server, and starting playing there. The first thing I notices was how nice the members were, and how eager they seemed when it came to helping me out, or giving me advice. So I played there for a while, I wasn't very good, but I started to get to know the member better, and I was totally impressed with their willingness to help others with game play, graphics issues, configs, and so on. And that got me wandering what this community was all about.



I decided to hit the forum and sign up, and see what all the fuss was about. It didn't take long for me to figure out the rest off the community were just as nice, just as helpful, and really welcomed a stranger to their forum with open arms. So unlike most of you, who were invited to apply for actually membership, I was not, but it didn't stop me from wanting to be a part of this awesome community, and maybe in the future, be able to help people like me, as much as FA had helped me.


It took a few months, and then I was finally accepted to trial, which was an awesome feeling. And to shorten the story a bit, not much longer and I was accepted as a full member, which honestly (and some may laugh) was like a dream come true. I was so excited, I was going out and telling people in real life about it. Yeah I was called nerd or geek on several occasions, but I didn't care. Fact was, I am both a nerd and a geek hehe..


It took me a while to find something I could be good at, and/or helpful with in this community. But after a while I found something I liked to do, not that I was good at it, but I sure did enjoy it, and some of the others seemed to like it also, and that was making signatures. Jesus, my first few were terrible, and I knew they were, but people in the community continued to encourage me to keep it up, and keep trying. And so I did, and not to day that my sigs are awesome, but they sure have came a long way since I started hehe.


So this was great, I had found a place in the community where I could be helpful, and actually had a few people request me to do their sigs, which I thought was amazing. I continued to do that, and eventually got put on the GFX Team, which was also great! So not only did we do sigs, we did banners, and all sorts of stuff, which was a great feeling, getting to be so involved.


That continued for quite some time, and then one day I logged on, and noticed I had been promoted again, which totally blew me away, I did not see it coming. When I checked, I noticed I had been promoted to the Recruiting Team! I couldn't believe that the people of FA had enough faith in me to trust me, along with some others to be a part of this team. In my eyes, it was a pretty big deal, going through apps, discussing potential members, or others for promotions, and new levels and such. It was and is an honor to be a part of this.


So that leads me here, where do I see myself in the future with FA. I'm not going to lie, I don't see me as a co-leader. or leader of FA right now, maybe later once I have learned more, and believe me, there are always things to learn in this community, and about being a leader. But once I had become a part of the GFX Team I learned something about myself, I really like to help. I think I am a helper at heart. I love the feeling of being able to fix problems for people, whether it is explaining how to add a sig, or adding a GUID to someones profile, the general help in these forums. Once I had learned that I had set my sights on being a part of the staff. I like what they do, and how they help, and what they do is really important, and don't get me wrong, every job we all have is important, we all help FA to run. And no matter what the title of the level, we are all equal, and we all server a purpose. But to answer the question, that is where I see myself in the future, and what I would like to do..




Feel free to answer this question here in this blog, let us know what your goals and dreams are, and how you would be able to better help this community. Do you see yourself as a leader, co-leader, or even making sigs and banners for GFX Team?


Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you all soon! :D


Shane A.K.A. Chameleon :D

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Ol Smoke


Oh,  I find myself totally banned from here and any other COD4 server.  Yes siree bob.  Speed will only put up with my crap for so long you know.

Then it's adios, old man.


I don't see myself ever being any more than a 16 on here.  I don't have any skills to add to this band of merry men, that warrant going higher.  I

don't want to get into server or site maintenance again.  My time is different now.  When I want to go do something...I am gone.

Sometimes I get a hankering for the hills of Kentucky, and playing me some music. 


The young guys today that join here and play COD4 with us are quite different than they were 8 years ago,  even 4 years ago.  Sometimes I don't

even know what they are talking about.  But it has been that way since Adam and Eve.  If they had access to an iphone then, maybe the boys would

have gotten along better.  Or, maybe they would have killed their mom and dad and destroyed the Earth.  Who knows.


I will gently fade away from here over time and some of you will say some day;  "Where's Smoke at lately?  Haven't seen him in awhile"

Then I will be only a memory.

  • Like 3


Love both of you! Its great to have you guys as part of this F|Amily. And no way are we ever going to forget you Smoke or Phoe or anyone.. we dont even like to forget the people who left us on a good or bad note.. Finally everyone who has been a part of the family always remains a part of the family for life. :)

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I know nothing about servers and programming. It was a mind bending task just to find my GUI..D...W thing, whatever. Consequently I'm not much of an admin, and don't want to be. I'm totally broke so I'll likely never contribute anything financially. Frankly, I don't even know why I'm a member - maybe it's because I contribute so much to established FA member's kill scores - or perhaps it's the sheer hilarity of the antics of someone who has played COD4 since it's release but still can't rise above an average ratio of 9-30 that keeps em all laughing. The question pops into my mind daily, "Why am I an FA member?" and the answer from my brain keeps coming back, "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" but really it's that there are a few nice folks out there and it feels great to have someone say "Hi Stanky" when I join a game.

  • Like 4


Love both of you! Its great to have you guys as part of this F|Amily. And no way are we ever going to forget you Smoke or Phoe or anyone.. we dont even like to forget the people who left us on a good or bad note.. Finally everyone who has been a part of the family always remains a part of the family for life. :)

Ahhh, thanks man.. See it's people like Killer who just keep me coming back.  It's these kinds of friendships, and people that brought me from the servers to the forums and then into the family.  Smoke is one of the first people  that I began to bond with.  We have so much in common (Being old is one of the main factors haha) and then people like KIller, who I met on the servers, then had the pleasure of talking to and hanging out with on TS, and instantly knew I wanted to be friends with him. 


I know nothing about servers and programming. It was a mind bending task just to find my GUI..D...W thing, whatever. Consequently I'm not much of an admin, and don't want to be. I'm totally broke so I'll likely never contribute anything financially. Frankly, I don't even know why I'm a member - maybe it's because I contribute so much to established FA member's kill scores - or perhaps it's the sheer hilarity of the antics of someone who has played COD4 since it's release but still can't rise above an average ratio of 9-30 that keeps em all laughing. The question pops into my mind daily, "Why am I an FA member?" and the answer from my brain keeps coming back, "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" but really it's that there are a few nice folks out there and it feels great to have someone say "Hi Stanky" when I join a game.

Stanky I know what you mean about not understanding, or knowing your role.  I felt that way for a long time. I am a below average ET player, a mediocre COD player at best, and I thought for a long time, "What am I doing here?" But in all honesty, we all have a purpose, we are all an important link in the FA chain.  From the lowest member to the highest, we all have a purpose.  I know I look forward to your comments on things, you always have something funny to say, and I couldn't imagine FA without you my friend :D

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Speed will only put up with my crap for so long you know.

!ban smoke no

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I see myself lvl 22, "supreme god of the assassins", known by all, feared by all, respected by all. Tremble with fear poor mortals!

Seriously, I don't know what I'll be and it doesn't really matter cuz I know one thing : I'll be there, dealing with trolls and stuff like no one :P

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F|A site and members are very good i like them they always helps when we need.I like F|A and i always would be.

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I would like to see myself as a co-leader. I know I still have a lot to learn.

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i see myself blogging on FA and splattered all over the forums.  for kicks and giggles I'll open up and share all the fruits of my knowledge.  whatever that means.  Long Live Duke LEto.  lol

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Im just hoping they don't find out how grumpy you can be at 55.



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I will helping other players and people for a nice game and good conversations :)


Maybe about a lot of time more lvl :P

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  Just to know that I'm doing something good in return for the fun I've had, not only in ET but in every other game, to help other members, and make them laugh every once in a while, that's what I'm in for, to give something back and help this comunity expand even more, and I think it's pretty amazing to see people sacrificing their own fun time for the sake of others, like helping players and specing suspected cheaters, it's the small things that count... to me atleast ;), there are some beautifull people in here....I'm grateful to be a part of this *-*

  • Like 2


I like a lot of these answers, very nice.. I think maybe I should have made the topic, what do you see yourself doing with FA in the future.. I was really talking less about levels and so on, and talking about what would you like to see yourself doing for FA in the future, or what do you have that would benefit FA the most, as far as people skills/computers/server/forums and so on.. But I really love seeing all these answers, and finding out the interests of our members and friends here :D

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Hhmm a little bit in Stankies comments for myself, I am still finding my feet with everything. The future, who knows. To be honest I didn't think I would make full member let alone anything else. However I do try and learn something everyday. I guess I would like to see myself as some kind of admin figure in the future, I do enjoy the game weekends, and would love to contribute more to these, maybe with setup or anything asked of me. Maybe set up an event committee of some kind? Bang of ideas and make the servers as popular as possible. Although I am sure this is already being done.


In time, I hope to be able to help in any way possible.


I am thankful for the promotion to full member


Great post Chameleon

  • Like 1


Well written Chameleon!


As for myself, it has been a pleasure(and undoubtably will continue to be) to be a member of a clan where the emphasis is placed upon having a happy, healthy community rather than a more competitive, serious one. I don't know if I have made much of an impact on the COD4 servers as an Admin, but I do hope that I have helped contribute to the environment that exists on the FA servers.


If I could continue to contribute in that manner, then I would be more than thrilled. My goal is to continue to improve as an admin and possibly to assist in setting up community events. For now though, I continue to look forward to finding a bit of time at the end of the week to kick back and have some fun on the FA servers :)

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As for my future with FA, even though I did not get selected to become a = F|A = Clan Member, I see myself as becoming a Legend and a Master of Enemy Territory ..... featuring good competition & comradery - Loyal and True to the F|A Community !!!!!!!!


                                                                                                             M - FORCE-=>))) - -

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I know I have much to learn but what can I say I have high hopes   ;)   ..................


                                                                                                    M - FORCE -=>))) - -

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i see my self here,


where ever the action is in et ..


 i was in elitekillas for 4 yrs  and bunker for 4 yrs. before that i lead my own  scrim team and clan. so i guess i see my self being apart of what ever et is .in the times.


who is the founder of fa i bet i know himlol but your mission statment is very good read  SHANE and you seem to be of good quality people.


ive notice in my short time here in fa servers  they know what it takes to be a et freak.hahaha

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perma ban waiting to happen i know it.

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