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Top 5 Most Disappointing Games of 2010





Fallout: New Vegas




Woohooo a new Fallout game right? Damn that is going to be awesome. I hope they fixed all the bugs and glitches that were in the last game.


Few years later...THEY DIDN"T DO FACKING SHIT !! FACKKK YOUU SON OF A BIATCHES !!! I RATHER SHIT MYSELF AND PLAY PEGGLE THAN THISS. I paid $40 for this !! I rather get a blowjob by a squirrel and eat a dead raccoon full of aids you @#$%@%@##^@#%@#%@#%#%@


First day I play Fallout New Vegas. I go to Primm to do a quest, and the guy I had to save from being raped by 30 bandits.....just shoots me in the leg for no facking reason. As a result I had to kill the facker...Quest failed GG !! (WTFFF. Why the hell did he agro me for no reason !!!).

Second day I walk into an abandoned rocket facility and guess what? Lag lag lag fps drop like crazy. I go on forums and ppl with a HD 5970 "wtf I am getting 30 fps in this area". Fack that slideshow !!!.

Third day I enter a room and the next thing I know my character is magically encumbered and can barely move. Wait whatt? I am only carrying 40 out of the maximum 280 pounds that I could carry !! So I go back outside, save the game, restart and hope it gets fixed. Nothing. Still moving like a snail !!! And I can't load the autosave either because each time you enter a door the facking game autosaves on you (what type of stupid game autosaves everytime you enter a door !!). Fack this shit !!


So if there is anything to be learned from this. If you are glitched, do not walk through the door or it overwrites your save file !!!! (and the glitch will still be there when you load the file each time)

Crackdown 2



The whole facking game is just a copy of Crackdown 1, except now the city looks a heck of a lot more duller. Infact it has less content than the original and is repetative (there is no enemy that is challenging) and the "quests" or missions feel like they are the same thing over and over again. All you do is clear some locations, light some beacons and close some freak holes. THAT IS THE WHOLE GAME ! Makes you wonder wtf were they doing all this time.


Also why the fack is the targetting system targetting non threatening objects like cars? What is the point of this? (FFS). I really can't say much except that this game is one of the worst games I ever seen on the face of the earth. Sure there are like a couple new weapons and cars and shit but it is still the same facking game as Crackdown 1 except with more glitches !!!! (there is no improvement. Infact Crackdown 2 is worse than Crackdown 1) Might as well play the demo of Crackdown 2 than buy the actual game (because you wouldn't be missing anything).



Castlevania: Lords of Shadows




Why the disappointment? BECAUSE IT ISN"T CASTLEVANIA !!!


Castlevania has been best at is platforming and strutting your whip. But this game isn't anything like that !! Hell you could have called it "Chuck Norris at Disneyland" and it would have made more sense than this title !! It isn't a bad game I admit (it is actually pretty decent for gameplay), but even having the word Castlevania in it makes it disappointing. It would have been more appropriate to call it "God of War 3" clone. The story isn't really related to any of the other Castlevania games so I wonder why they didn't just make it a new separate title instead of trying to milk the franchise (it is like if I changed the title of "Call of Duty Black Ops" to "Pokemon Crystal Black" and tried to sell it).


Also considering there is no form of platforming in the game (well very little) most of the time all you are doing is mashing the same buttons to kill everything in your way (and it gets annoying and repetitive after a while). The worst part though is all these quick time events. Nobody likes quicktime events. Especially when they determine whether or not you kill the boss. And if you aren't pressing it at the exact moment, the boss regains hp and almost kills you with an unavoidable attack (wow that is just great).


Maybe I am just too old fashioned and an old Castlevania fan, but throwing the Castlevania title on a game that has little originality and uses borrowed mechanics from other previous games in the past (like Shadow of the Colossus and God of War) is what makes this a big disappointment.

Fable III



Like Fallout: New Vegas and Castlevania: LOS, this wasn't exactly a bad game, but what makes it truly disappointing is how overhyped it was. So will all due respect, FACK YOU PETER MOLENEUX !!! You overhype the shit out of your games and same with facking review websites. I go buy it and then I feel regret each time !! (maybe I am a sucker for RPG's but still doesn't mean you need to get my hopes so high just to have them crushed).


Despite the hype, I admit the game was pretty good. The combat was somewhat tedious, but this time the gave you a deeper sense of immersion and the story was actually pretty concise and well plotted and some of the quests actually did go above and beyond my expectations (I would give it an above average rating). But what I really liked was that the choice system wasn't so much as "black" vs "white" or "good" vs "evil". It felt like as you progressed more of the choices felt "gray" and regardless of what you chose, there were dire consequences that would shape the landscape and lives of the citizens of Albion.


So wait why is it disappointment then? It is because the whole facking game and its plot shits itself in the last 20 mins !!! It feels like they rushed the whole damn ending with the boss battle being completely unoriginal, uninteresting and so easy I could beat it with my eyes closed. The level of disappointment it leaves you with is so astounding that you can practically throw all the good points of this game straight out the window. It was just that bad because the ending boss battle was probably the most anti-climatic scene in the game and feels like barely any effort was put into making a proper conclusion.

Metroid: Other M








This was....by far...the biggest...greatest...disappointment next to Duke Nukem Forever !! I never seen such terrible shit !! You know what made it terrible? It was the fact that Samus opened her stupid mouth making her the most boring and emo feeling character that I have ever seen in video game history. It feels like we are stupid or something and everything has to be well described to us and half the time she just rambles on and on and on (sometimes I wish she would shut the fack up). Like one gamer said "feels like she is reading emotional baggage from a teleprompter in her monologues" and I can not agree more. Also boo frickity hoo, "I kill for a living...I am emo...love me daddy !!" .....No one gives a fack !!!


And not to top the cherry but the story was so terrible, I just wanted to laugh (the plot holes were immense). Like wtf happened to the "Deleter". I thought this was suppose to be an important plot point and then he is never mentioned again throughout the story (so wtf was all that bullshit about? No one cares that this rogue agent or spy called the deleter is killing off soldiers?). It was just a pointless facking filler that had barely anything to do with the main plot !!! Even at the end of the game you think to yourself, wtf was the point of all the Deleter bullshit and why they hell did they try to make it sound so important. Man it doesn't matter because my concentration just gave up on even focusing on the story half way through this.


The controls were alright, but what really annoyed me was the targetting items (like the missles) where you had to use the wii remote to point and attack and then switch back to using the wii remote as a sideways controller (my friend says it is better, but I disagree. I guess it is preference). As for the sense of exploration that you got from previous metroid games, it has really diminished and at times I feel like Metroid Other M doesn't know what it wants to be (2D sidescroller, 3D, FPS ? Make up your damn mind). The most disappointing thing though is that me and some friends spent the entire day just beating it and it left a bitter taste it out mouths (mainly because we were out of saliva from laughing and swearing at the TV screen).


For god sake Nintendo, what might have been the worst crime out of them all is that why didn't you make the game !! Why give it to Team Ninja? Hell at least hire the people from Shadow Complex to make it (because if you look at Shadow Complex it is probably the greatest metroid-like clone ever. Hell if you changed the name Shadow Complex to Metroid and put it on the Wii, it might have been the greatest game in the existance of Wii games).



This is what metroid should be like !!!



Onionknight might do another interview sometime this week....if he survives


Recommended Comments

Maximo Decimo


I just can made an opinion about Metroid Other M because is the only one i have played. I have to agree with you with the control style, its sucks hard, i really dont like it. The story line finish all of the sudden with a dissapoint ending and the way you have to enable your upgrades reallly really sucks. But i have to say this game has some point in favor: The good graffics for a Wii game, the story line is good, excepting the finish and the lethal stikes moves and evade moves really rocks. I have read the manga of metroid (begining part 1 and 2) and i have to say that Samus is very emocional person. So when i heard and saw his emotions in MOM, she didnt dissapiontment at all. But of course, everyone that dont read those mangas thinks that we imagine Samus as a badass galactic bounty hunter. In resumen, this game promised too much and we received just a game



I just can made an opinion about Metroid Other M because is the only one i have played. I have to agree with you with the control style, its sucks hard, i really dont like it. The story line finish all of the sudden with a dissapoint ending and the way you have to enable your upgrades reallly really sucks. But i have to say this game has some point in favor: The good graffics for a Wii game, the story line is good, excepting the finish and the lethal stikes moves and evade moves really rocks. I have read the manga of metroid (begining part 1 and 2) and i have to say that Samus is very emocional person. So when i heard and saw his emotions in MOM, she didnt dissapiontment at all. But of course, everyone that dont read those mangas thinks that we imagine Samus as a badass galactic bounty hunter. In resumen, this game promised too much and we received just a game


Ya in the end it really depends on your tastes and personality whether or not you will like a game =P


Naa maybe my expectations were too high because I been spoiled this year by playing some really great games this year. I would rate this game like a C+/B- xbox 360 game ( character development was a disaster and the story wasn't really that good. Hell I even felt Bayonetta was a stronger female character than Samus ..... which is an absolute disaster). Graphics I couldn't care less and I didn't talk about it because talking about graphics on the Wii isn't really ideal in the first place. And the level of fun I had was less than me playing Stranglehold (which is a B- game. So not bad but not great either).


I won't say it is a bad game, but it is the biggest disappointment I felt in a long long time. Maybe I have been spoiled by playing too many games with strong plot and character development this year or maybe its because I expect way too much out of Nintendo + Teamninja (because shit most of the games Nintendo make is like AAA quality), but damn if I had to compare it to the 2010 line up of games, this would be below average quality.

Maximo Decimo


I won't say it is a bad game, but it is the biggest disappointment I felt in a long long time. Maybe I have been spoiled by playing too many games with strong plot and character development this year or maybe its because I expect way too much out of Nintendo + Teamninja (because shit most of the games Nintendo make is like AAA quality), but damn if I had to compare it to the 2010 line up of games, this would be below average quality.



I agree with you. As a Nintendo player i just wish Nintendo stop dissapointing all of us with his stupid, childish and with no storylines games. I hope Nintendo bring back the time when was the leader in videogames (without talking about graffics). Zelda is my only hope at this moment. Please dont dissapoint me with this game.





I agree with you. As a Nintendo player i just wish Nintendo stop dissapointing all of us with his stupid, childish and with no storylines games. I hope Nintendo bring back the time when was the leader in videogames (without talking about graffics). Zelda is my only hope at this moment. Please dont dissapoint me with this game.


I want Earthbound remade =P. That game was epic for me =D (if they ever do it, I bet it will get like 100/10 rating =D)



I like how you phrased it as most disappointing and not worst. I personally liked New Vegas, according to most people because I didn't play Fallout 3, and those people tend to shit on the game beyond belief. While you did take a massive dump on it yourself, at least you made your position clear that it was a disappointment rather than just shitty in general.


Also, I never experienced a glitch on it :P



I like how you phrased it as most disappointing and not worst. I personally liked New Vegas, according to most people because I didn't play Fallout 3, and those people tend to shit on the game beyond belief. While you did take a massive dump on it yourself, at least you made your position clear that it was a disappointment rather than just shitty in general.


Also, I never experienced a glitch on it :P


Most of the games on the list aren't bad, with the exception of Crackdown 2. I only said disappointing because calling it bad would be completely false =P (they are good games but just don't meet my expectations lol). All of them are sequels too if you noticed so I tend to compare them to previous games in that series



i argee 100% about fallout new vegas. The game makers bethesda software what where they thinking when they made this? big let down


what have they done to the new tomb raider what a joke the old one was a lot better than Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Guardian of Light

Maximo Decimo


I would like you to do some more reviews of games Onion. I like your points of view and criticize opinions =)


BTW i like the photo of the begining too :P

Would be better if that box is a gift, so when he open it he will find nothing lol



i argee 100% about fallout new vegas. The game makers bethesda software what where they thinking when they made this? big let down


what have they done to the new tomb raider what a joke the old one was a lot better than Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Guardian of Light


Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, just saying is all :P

krAzy :)


make a TOP 5 BEST GAMES 2010


i would say: Assassins creed 2

mafia 2



mass effect 2



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