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    Maintenance Technician

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    Silent #1
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    maybe et.
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    Fremont, Mi.


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  1. Would someone develop a multi language version of Enemy Territory for F/A servers and bring the world back to our servers. I think the word would get out pretty easy nowadays. Even maybe a few $$$ along the way.

  2. Dinosaur is around. BnBChumMaster online,
  3. online, soon to be around.

  4. !system reboot *PooF* 





  5. Guess It's time to get off my ass and do something..lol

  6. U still alive there matey?

    1. BnBChumMaster


      Very much so, have view of my favorite river to kill for. Jaja!!

    2. excedo


      Come back to ET !

  7. still alive fishin


    1. daredevil


      Good to see u bud!

  8. Pretty cool to sit back and watch a country/ and the world, unravel. Man wait till after the presidential election, if you hold public office or a cop, better get suited up. RT/ is good for breaking news.
  9. February Farm Report called for abnormal cool temps for the northern tear states for this spring and they have been right so far, June is still colder than normal here in Michigan. Most of us in the neighborhood have bought greenhouses. Its helping allot. I should have about 35 quarts of tomatoes this year. anyone need some habaneros green,yellow, or fire red? lol burn the hair off your tongue. lol helps allot with you start from " your own seeds "..... and do your own thing....
  10. tks. Hes in the ground now, Freekin dog died two days after he did. So hopefully i'm done with death for awhile.
  11. as I woke up to my favorite jam ( Edgar Winter - Free Ride ) in the morning, I proceeded to the kitchen to make coffee, I bumped into something on the the floor, thinking of maybe it was the dog but usually the dog makes a sound, so I turned around and turn the light on and there was my father dead cold on the floor. After calling my sister and explaining what happen to him I called 911. Myself and the M.E. figured he just finished a cigarette, had a coughing spell which started the heart attack, then he had a massive contusion on hes forehead which came from smashing hes head on the counter top which pretty much ended it. I went to bed early that night before and didn't hear anything. I'll be around, need to sort this mess out, I'll be up and running, maybe... peace......
  12. I seen the title and started laughing, and someone mentioned, Quake! I miss QUAKE!!!
  13. My friend introduced me to Et in Dec of 03, I was getting burned out playing Quake Rail/Shotgun servers. Ever since then, I have never like the game its always been to slow pace for me. Enemy Territory, is like a virus just grows on ya.
  14. X-Files again, i'm on season 3 esp.14. Wildest India Daredevil The 4400 House of Cards TorchWood Flash Persons of Interest I have about 30 Tv series, I watch on Netflex.
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