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    Hardcore ET
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  1. Yes I'm planning on changing first phase quit a bit. Especially reworking flag building changing the layout a bit. Just have to get into it and take the time
  2. Hello
    you have to post a map decay_sw on the forum where are the waypoints files your report with bots files.
    1. papywolf


      waypoints files are files for bots
    2. Dynasty


      Bot files are not done yet for the stopwatch version. The way points from decay_b7 will work but might have some issues at the last stage of the map. The ammo/health route is no longer accessible in the stopwatch version.

  3. Decay_sw View File latest version of Decay for stopwatch and lower amount of players. Suitable for 6v6 Submitter Dynasty Submitted 09/30/21 Category Maps Map Type Objective Map Size Medium Map Theme Day Attacking Team Allies Waypoints Yes Known Issues  
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  4. Dynasty


    Version sw


    latest version of Decay for stopwatch and lower amount of players. Suitable for 6v6
  5. Dynasty

    ET Server Suggestion Hardcore map suggestions

    Please remove the minimum players online restriction for decay to show up in the map pool. would be nice to play even with lower number of players.
  6. Awesome thanks! Only peace and fun remain 😆
  7. For many fun hours spent on your servers, thank you ID : 6D6170373B591661X
  8. Updated the pk3 to decay_b7. Should no longer have a hunkmegs problem and waypoints are updated. cheers!
  9. lol totally understand. New version still being worked on and should be avi soon.
  10. Yes most player will have these settings changed from the default 56 megs. ET is such an old game, I guess PC back then were running on much lower memory. 🙂 ET Legacy force the hunkmegs at 256 by default if im not mistaken.
  11. good stuff! Glad that it is working for you now.
  12. Have you tried this yet? Create a short cut of your ET.exe then right click on it, and select properties. Then in the “Target” text box after ET.exe add this command as follows: C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe +set com_hunkMegs “512” +set com_zoneMegs “32” +set com_soundMegs “48”
  13. @Raw64life @bLade. Please do the following and let me know. Open ET Open console and enter the following commands : /seta com_hunkmegs 512 /seta com_soundmegs 32 /seta com_zonemegs 48 /vid_restart /writeconfig Close ET Open ET Then if you want to test decay_b6 (or any other maps) just open the console and type /map decay_b6 Just make sure the map pk3 file is in your ET main folder. Let me know if this fix it for you.
  14. The command to put in your cfg is : seta com_hunkmegs "256" // prevent crashing when playing on large maps ET default hunkmegs value is 56. I am working on fixing the issue and release a new version.
  15. @daredevil Hello, yep I will shortly work on a release of the map that use less hunk meg. (should not be too hard to achieve) With around 25 users on HC yesterday, my total hunk usage was about 52mb But yea, I totally understand that some players are less techie and just don’t know how to fix the issue. Will be in touch shortly
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