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HotChip's Achievements
Thanks Renlel. I put those settings and maybe little bit help but fps still 10-50. I dont get it that in the reruiting server all going well and fps all the time 125.
I can play well in the Recruiting server, but not in Beginners 2 ..
In Recruiting server my GPU usage is 3-5 percent and line drawing is really 8-9 ms. These same values are on the beginner 2 server GPU usage 0-2 percent and drawing delay 50-120 ms Here is the reason but why different ... hmm In Recruiting server my GPU usage is 3-5 percent and line drawing is really 8-9 ms. These same values are on the beginner 2 server GPU usage 0-2 percent and drawing delay 50-120 ms Here is the reason but why different ... hmm sorry last message in big size text
// generated by ET Legacy v2.81.1 win-x86 Mar 12 2023 do not modify unbindall bind TAB "+scores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind , "mapzoomout" bind - "zoomout" bind . 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HotChip started following My ping :(
Hi! I'm having trouble playing Enemy Territory. A couple of months the ping remained, so high that I can't play this game (over 100ms). I have a 1GB fiber optic connection in my house. And I have 3 Deco X50 wlan modules that share the internet inside the house. When I type e.g. ping google.com -t , so the latency stays at 10-12 ms all the time. We have tried all kinds of things with mr UKKONEN, but we haven't really helped. The processor is a Ryzen 5 1600 and the graphics card is an RTX 2070, so you shouldn't depend on these at least. Downloaded the latest drivers and windows 11 updated. I sometimes play Fortnite and there is no problem with it nor in others enemy territory servers . Can someone help me? Thanks
Hello and welcome !! Pikachu.
Hello and welcome !
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