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Hilfe! Medic! Problem with ET //crashing//


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Hallo all. :) I'm Naughty_Nurse a.k.a Lorena*oO?! You may know me from FA NQ ( sometimes I also play at your jaymod server) :)

About 5 days ago I got strange problem with my ET. When I press few times ALT (bind for check out stats) or TAB ( bind for check out teams) ,sometimes when I open my console my vittu ET is just crashing. I've never got something like that.

It's not pb kick or something - it's error from Windows (I use Vista) ,that blablabla ET.exe doesnt work.

Scanned my OS a few times - no viruses.

Reinstalled my ET - still got that problem.

I also changed binds ( alt for 'x' ) - same problem.


2 days ago I played Oasis map - pressed all the time those buttons - nothing wrong happend. But when I was playing next map - after few times when I used alt - got crashed.

To be honest - I wont to format my pc. That's because I'm writing here.


I hope somebody could help me :(


Cheers :*

Catalina aka NN ;)

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It can be from flood protection, but im not sure that flood protect corresponds to stats, teams, etc, unless you have it as a special bind. Might wanna try running ET as an administrator. That could help.


/Moved to ET Support

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Known 2.55 issue. Try 2.6b and let me know if issue still exist.

Done and still same problem + I forgot to write - when I also press 'disconnect' - got crashed. :/ When I try to load noquater mod - also got crashed.

I've no ideas anymore. :(:confused

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Done and still same problem + I forgot to write - when I also press 'disconnect' - got crashed. :/ When I try to load noquater mod - also got crashed.

I've no ideas anymore. :(:confused



hmm u get like, ur ET freezes at all, like when u write /quit and then just screen freeze and u cant do nothing then restart pc?

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It's windows crash - ET is freezing for 10 sec. - and then windows shows me error ( it something like this http://www.rubli.info/t-blog/images/vista-explorer-gpf.png but with ET >>ET.exe has stopped working<< ) And I dont need to restart my PC. After crash my os works well.

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Go to -> Control Panel > Problem report and solution > and then select See problems to check.


Now from that it will show you which file crashed. Post the details.

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Donno if you meant this:



Name of problem: APPCRASH

Name of application: ET.exe

Version of application:


Name of module with error: ui_mp_x86.dll

Version of module with error:


Exception code: c0000005

Put exception: 00024298

Version of OS: 6.0.6000.

Info. 1: f17e

Info. 2: c00c908a2f1d3df22daf7e91b334531d

Info. 3: 45f2

Info. 4: c678cc237697f9797278bc7177277969

Well, I translated it by myself ,so it might be wrong ( I mean words) - but the rest it's just detail of that error :/

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90 percent sure without searching around this is going to be video related.Answer these for me please and i'll try and help.


1. Is it only Enemy territory that crashes.


2. What video card and drivers are you using.


3. Do you play any other games or use applications that use alot of video memory/power.

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First of all I would like to thank you all for trying to help me ;):thanks


1) Yes.

2)I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT. I wanted to actualize my drivers , but it said me that I've newest one. But now I see : date of driver - 2007-11-06 oO

Well, is it means I need to update new ones ? :/

3) Yes. I suppose - New Wolfenstein , I also play RTCW-MP (oldie one <3 ) and no crashes.


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Thank you for the information, first I highly recommend updating your video drivers and then using windows update. Vista is crap, so when you get the extra money, I would upgrade to windows 7 (or have someone help you out with finding it cheaper).


Here is some links to video drivers for your card and os. I will link 2 different ones. The first will be the offical driver for your card. The second will be a modified version of the same driver, that should increase your fps by a little. Which you use is up to you, however I will recommend to use the modified version. Since I don't know if your running 32 or 64 versions of windows I will give you both sets of links. Hope these help, if not let me know and we will continue to work on this problem. :yahoo


Vista 32 bit drivers


Nvidia official 32 bit vista driver



Nvidia 32 bit driver modified (recommended)





Vista 64 bit drivers


Nvidia 64 bit vista driver Official



Nvidia 64 bit vista driver Modified (recommended)


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