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  1. Happy Birthday Hawkie!

    Read more  
  2. Current maps (old): 2tanks |-1 Adlernest |-1 Baserace | Bremen |+1 Caen 2 |+1 Cathedral_final | ET Beach Invasion |-1 Frostbite |-1 Fuel Dump | Gold Rush | Ice | Marrakech Streets 2 - By Night | MML MInas Tirith (fp3) | PureFrag |-1 Rail Gun |+1 Secret Weapon |+1 Siwa Oasis |+1 Sia Oasis TE |-1 Subway |+1 Supply Depot (fixed) |-1 TC Base |+1 V2 Base TE |+1 venice_ne4 |-1 Würzburg Radar |+1 New maps: Vesuvius Rev (Final) |+1 UJE_temple_xmas |+1 Helicopter Assault M3 |+1 Operation Resurrection |-1 1944 Beach |-1 Pacman 2 |+1 School beta 1 |+1 Aim Map Final |-1 Al Abbasi |-1 Baserace Desert |+1 Caen 4 (Final) |+1 Chartwell |-1 Caha Tavern |-1 Cortexbeta |+1 Decoder Beta 4 |+1 Exhumed Final |-1 Fueldump Revenge (Final) |+1 Goldrush GA Final |-1 LOL_Funpark |+1 Paris Bastille Beta 3 |+1 Supply Depot Night (Final) |-1 NFL Beta 2 |+1 And pls can you add Italy at the list is a cool map with obj and its not too big for NQ2 Greetz Hawkie
  3. I dont like Tram Siege thats why I vote for this map and Preatoria is too laggy at me. I hope Snatch is comming back. Its a short map but makes fun
  4. I like to play with everyone, I need ET and I love NQ1 Server
  5. I have installed Firefox 10.1 and I must say it works too with win7 and Firefox 10.1 Nice addon !!!!
  6. Hawkie

    Enemy Territory

    I saw this Movie today the first time and I must say Cooooooooooooooooooooolllll and funny :D
  7. Hey all, I have a question about Ubuntu !!! I would ask : Can I install Ubuntu and Windows on same Hard Disk or must I have another Partition for Ubuntu and can I work with both Programs the same time ?? Who can answer me ??? Greetz Hawkie
  8. I pay for a 16 MB/s Internetflat included Telephoneflat for germany 24,95 €. I think its very cheap :sarc :yahoo
  9. Yes from me a big HELLO NICEGUY too cya on bf at NQ1 Hawkie
  10. Nice to see you in Forum retro. I should greet you from Killa. See ya on Battlefield ( maybe ) Greetz Daddy Hawkie
  11. Hi marcel, welcome on F|A Forum. I hope we see us very often on BF at NQ1 Greetz your m8 Hawkie aka Rainer
  12. Hey guys, I have a executeable patch for the 2.6b version. Is this the same as this zip archive ?? Greetz Hawkie
  13. Sorry m8s cant join this game night, because my game is not running stable. it hangs up all times and steam kicked me out of game
  14. Thanks for support. Install new driver was enough now it works all fine
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