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Everything posted by Fockfear

  1. Due to the Steam Summer sale i brought quite a few game....what game u may ask?MW3,LFD2,Total war fall of the Sam and Asssassin Revelation...so yea i going to try and be more active here ^-^

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  2. Too long i have been away...But now i back!!!(on minecraft )

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    1. Baska


      ohh fock wut the fock ? minecraft eekk lol

  3. Happy Birthday Fockfear!

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    1. Wifestein


      Happy Birthday

    2. kandya


      Happy b-day mate xd

    3. RubberDuck
  4. Hyia Milkjug i hope we get along ^-^
  5. lol nice poem
  6. Nice now i know who to go for when zombie attack and what kinda of gun to get
  7. I agree to that!but if they want us to eat healty that got to make it more appeling
  8. I think the goverment is not taking into account on what kid actually eat at school.at just because someone take it don't mean they going to eat it.Like who really eat PEA at school?(and sorry for those who do ><)
  9. I GOT YOU!!! lol so funny
  10. This Bill would allow essentially allow A Great Firewall of America and would be a shameful desecration of free speech and any sort of reasonable copyright law. The new Law would allow copyright holders to force websites which have any copyrighted material to be blocked by ISP companies around the country, without requiring that the websites be given time to take the offending material down. It would also put pressure on ISP companies to monitor their users like never before, a gross invasion of privacy. This bill is a direct assault on a free internet and a shameful attempt by copyright lobbyists to destroy net neutrality. Essentially it's a censorship law that would end the internet as we know it in America. (Soure)https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/%21/petition/stop-e-parasite-act/SWBYXX55
  11. think what happen if this hit a city
  12. I would love to play on that playground
  13. hhhhmmmmm i feel like the only asian in F|A that listen to this music Bad apple http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzEUeWnV73U
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