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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. Watches The Cholera Money once:
  2. 50$ 1W378913KU8525802
  3. Two songs with the same name
  4. Mobius


  5. Jojo Mayer on drums, Dave Fiucynski and Wah Wah Watson on guitars, lol this band is stacked
  6. Love the feel changes on this :]
  7. Awesome news, congrats bro!
  8. Congratulations on the promotion you two!
  9. Mobius

    Band Game

    Taketron - Slavic Soul Party! Technically ends in an (!) mark but I guess the letter is Y 😛 u
  10. Neither, but pineapples are at least tolerable. The M in Mobius stands for mushroom on pizza🍄
  11. Maaaan Dressrosa best (my favorite) One Piece arc Seriously though, that Kaido is sick and those portraits are wholesome. Didn't know you could draw like that bro 😄
  12. LOL, I might have to connect just to live this out. Thanks for the info on WiFi boosters too, I'll definitely have to look into that.
  13. Hello everyone. According to GameTracker I have been playing in this community since as early as May 2013, and I figured it was time to formally introduce myself on the forums so here goes: I am Mobius, noted lag switch user laggy objective wh*re who makes his home on Silent1 (and HC whenever we get enough players ;p). I have probably been playing this game for a lot less than most people here: I was introduced by a friend in middle school who first invited me to the 555 clan's server when they were still active (around 2012 for reference). I am fairly certain I began playing on FA servers after 555 members Kamate and Latino shared the IP with me and I saw what a difference a populated server made (555 servers were not always the most populated sadly). Ever since then I was hooked on the game and have come and gone as I went through university and my laptop struggled to play the game. Now that I have my own desktop, I have been able to play more consistently. Another thing I would like to quickly touch upon is my lag, which is always understandably a source of frustration in players when it does occur. The room I am in is as far as you can get from my house's internet connection while barely being able to connect. Since it is practically outside, I cannot run ethernet or similar connections and have to use a wifi adapter just to be able to connect to the internet. Maybe a better adapter would give me a stronger link quality, as mine currently fluctuates between 75%-95%, but I did not want to shell out so much money at the time considering I dropped a little over 1k to build my PC. I am not sophiscated enough to know how to use a lag switch, so stop accusing me of this please!😭😅 With that being said, I am glad to have found and be a part of this community. Looking forward to all the v586's!
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