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Client freezes at start of the map/warmup


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Hello, just a minor, but very annoying problem.


Whenever a new map is loaded, about 30 secs into the warmup, my client freezes for a few seconds. When the map starts (so after the warmup), the same thing happpens, somewhere inbetween 30-60 seconds into the map. I have no further FPS (stable at 125) issues, apart from some small fps drop in big fights. As far as I know, I did not change anything. The problem appeared when I came back from vacation some months ago. Anyone knows how to resolve this? Thanks in advance!

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Hmm... that's an odd one. Well the warmup period is 30 seconds on our servers, and I've noticed that from time to time there can be a 1-2 second delay between the warmup and the map start, but nothing major. (That's something on my end usually) That few second delay after the maps starts... that I've never experienced.

This happens on every map? Not just if it's a large map, or more than x number of players, other scenarios like that...?

Your cvars probably wouldn't change while you were taking a break :ph34r:... OS updates would change things though. Let me make some more coffee and rack my brain...

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Yes every map. Doesnt matter how many people are on. Also, 30 seconds was an estimate, but it definitely freezes during the period itself.


I was thinking it could be some window update, but it doesn't make much sense to me.


Thanks for the response :).

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