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hi everyone !!!



some of u know me on wolf et

i got a couple thing to clear out

i will start from the beggining


first of all alot of people think i use aimbot or hax or whatever they think

im not using any kind of cheat

there no fun with that



i know im unhittable cause alot of people told me about it

and i have made test to know what was the problem and i found it


since a bought my logitech g610 im unhit

i was using the same cfg as always

but my problem is if i put pmove_fixed to 1 im unhit for what ever reason that i dont really know

but if i put it to 0 half or less of my bullet dont hit and i become hittable at the same time

and when im unhit for other im not facing any spike lag on my side its just weird for them some of there bullet pass trough me

but im hitabble as normal for grenade ,arty, panzer .....


and from that as long as i know pmove_fixed is not a cheat and its 100% wolf setting right ?

so in that case as long its not server forced restriction im all good to keep my same setting no ?


so for eveyone once and for all

i dont use any kind of cheat

im just fed up to tell everyone the same story over and over

and half of people dont know about wolf setting

i just want to play in peace


on that have a great day see you on server






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as long as pmove_msec is 8 on the serversettings Im not sure how the option of changing pmove_fixed would make a difference. But Im not too sure about this  :huh:

Posted (edited)

Since Quake 3, the function that's responsible for game physics (amongst other things) is named Pmove(). Normally, this function is run once every client frame, and this is where framerate-dependant physics (most notably jump heights) come from. pmove_fixed is an attempt to level the playing field by running this function at a fixed rate (every pmove_msecmilliseconds.) The default pmove_msec of 8 is equivalent to normal physics at 1000 / 8 = 125 frames/second.



  • pmove_fixed can be set on either the client or the server--the client will default to the value on the server (And, on non-ETPro servers, it will be reset to the value of the server quite frequently due to some silliness in the code.) pmove_msec can only be set on the server side. 
  • b_fixedphysics is a server-side setting with similar goals to pmove_fixedb_fixedphysics 1 avoids rounding the velocity at all (Removing the framerate-dependent behavior in movement); however, it offers b_fixedphysicsfps to adjust the jump velocity to emulate the old framerate-dependent behavior. This is the best of both worlds�no movement speed problems (as several people observed at 333fps) nor any of the problems that pmove_fixed brings with it (some parts of the game behave poorly at high fps, most notably mounted MG42 and mortar aiming), but the same jump heights trickjumpers would kill us for taking away. b_fixedphysics 2 is a cross between normal behavior and fixed behavior, which effectively just caps the maximum framerate-dependent behavior to 166fps. 
  • b_optimizedprediction is a client-side setting that (theoretically) has no effect other than increasing performance. Basically, etmain (and RTCW, and Q3) will re-do all the physics computations for up to the previous 64 frames in order to figure out where you should be for the current one. b_optimizedprediction will store the result of the previous computations and reuse them (Only if the results look acceptable based on the latest data the client has from the server) instead of doing all the math again. This provides a rather dramatic performance boost, especially if you have a high ping. 


hum says here that no matter what u change it too it will set to servers value any how. hum ....????? just thorwin that out there.

Edited by captnconcrete

Should be locked to 0 by the server but if not you should have it set to 0. If people can suddenly hit you then congtrats, your playing the same game as everyone else and this is how it should be, bullets are supposed to hit you if a player is aiming at you. If you have trouble hitting people then it's only because you're not used to it and just need to give it some time and you'll get your aim back.

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I tested "/pmove_fixed 1" and my ET was Not Happy At All! :(


I quickly changed it back to "0".  :)

  • Like 6

I tried out max fps capped at 222FPS after Snowblind announced it on server, I guess I was still hittable as I still died(a lot), maybe it made a little difference to enemies. But I started to have "connection interrupted" and lagometer went all crazy.


@Snowblind, try to set up your system correctly. Have you DL and installed correctly Logitech software? What does the LatencyMonitor show?


Just fyi, was labbing a bit by playing vs snowblind a little while ago. Wanna make clear that he is not unhittable, his hitboxes just follow him at a different speed, but his hitbox isnt jittering or anything.

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