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where can I download the cfg of jaymod jay3.clan-fa.com:27960 server

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Would indeed create a LAN server jaymod, I have 4 pc, I read the guide but do not understand much, you can have the same cfg of this server?

Posted (edited)

The most similar config you'd have to write yourself, because FA server configs are not available for everyone, sorry. You could try /serverstatus and see which cvars are set on server(onle some of them)


Here is documentation for jaymod, everything you need actually to configure server and client https://goo.gl/jGHLi2

With default jaymod.cfg you can run your lan server without problems and for personal taste use server cvars from documentation.


If you don't know how to write configs I can do that for you but on Friday :)


Edit: Fixed documentation link.

Edited by Shana
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The most similar config you'd have to write yourself, because FA server configs are not available for everyone, sorry. You could try /serverstatus and see which cvars are set on server(onle some of them)


Here is documentation for jaymod, everything you need actually to configure server and client https://jaymod.clanfu.org/lib/docs/jaymod-1.4.pdf 

With default jaymod.cfg you can run your lan server without problems and for personal taste use server cvars from documentation.


If you don't know how to write configs I can do that for you but on Friday :)


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i start the dedicated server with jaymod + omnibot but have this error

bot addbot 1 1 test

Omni-bot not loaded




It would be easier to forward you to a post already on this site. Using the search bar on the top found this page here explains in detail how to do it. To save time in reality lol




The complete list of cvars for jaymod 2.1.7 most are all about the same.

Start at chapter 5 where it says config in the yellowish boxes down that is a typical server.cfg pages 27-33




Hope that helps have good day :)

i have download omnibot 0.66 install on 


C:\Program Files (x86)\Omni-Bot


et folder




i have create The connection et.exe

I pasted the link the command line


E:\jaymod+omnibot\ET.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 27960 +set sv_maxclients 12 +set fs_game jaymod +exec jaymod.cfg +set omnibot_enable 1



but have this message 


bot addbot 1 1


omnibot not loaded


or this


]bot addbot 1 1

Unknown command "bot"


I'm going crazy because of a stupid configuration

if you load the omnibot mod and create a game if I add bots work

what makes me nervous is that the first time that I downloaded worked omnibot



if load omnibot mod only


and write on console


\omnibot_enable 1



omnibot_enable" is:"1" default:"0"



]/bot addbot 1 1


Sample Default Bot Profile

[bOT]Phi: Changing Class to: SOLDIER


[bOT]Phi connected


[bOT]Phi entered the game


[bOT]Phi has joined the Allied team!



/condump omnibotwork.txt

Dumped console text to omnibotwork.txt.



Posted (edited)

omnibot path is relevant to the wolf et directory it has to be like ./omni-bot from where the et.exe is executed from; like all map files are relevant to the default path to etmain but for omnibot should be just wolf directory ./ give or take the command is / or ./ to omnibot.dll path


don't mean omnibot.dll but the mp_x86.dll's are located if it's omni-bot folder then just put ./omni-bot with or with out the dot

Edited by DoubleDragon
Posted (edited)

Now to explain direct path directory.


This is the omni-bot server.cfg inside my omnibot folder.
using this to make way points but it is correct.
omnibot_enable 1
omnibot_path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\omni-bot"
remove +set omnibot_enable 1 in your et short cut to the config inside the omnibot folder this would be a direct approach to executing the base path if your having trouble getting the correct path open the directory and right click on the dll and check the properties for the path copy it in return you will receive this message.
the first red line is a warning cannot find ./omni-bot cause it's in omni-bot folder not etmain this is a mod approach not a pub approach there is a difference most times etpub by default is the wolf directory unless stated otherwise in a config or shortcut. Id advise you to create two more configs one server.cfg the other omnibot.cfg they don't have to have the full server settings cvars just the ones for omnibot that are relevant to the paths to use if your using a jaymod.cfg then keep those seperate from the others and add +exec server.cfg +exec omnibot.cfg by default they will find the path relevant to wolf directory etmain so you will have to put these in etmain as well then in the omnibot folder make a server.cfg doesn't have to have a lot of information again this will be used to make the bot names and teams
like for instance
bot 1 1 nameofbot the first 1 is class the second 1 is team then the name of bot all this off top of my head not 100% accurate but the idea is logical sorry kinda busy today just trying to speed things up a bit explaining will return later today with more time if you can't resolve it let me know will TV remote it for you later today maybe.
almost forgot the pic this is what the output will return if it's in a different mod folder other then ./omnibot path


Edited by DoubleDragon

I made a mess but now works omnibot 0.85 I glued inside the folder omnibot 0.66 and now omnibot is loaded


Now I have another problem if I create a server that does not use the PC to play, the computer does not see that I use to play the game and even if I connect with the ip is on hold.
but if I create a server from the pc I use to play on computers that do not use to play sees the game and connects
I looked at the setting of 2 lan cards, ip are automatically if I create dedicated lan with this ip (PCs are seen)  (win10 pro 64 bit) if I create dedicated lan with this ip (PCs are not seen) (win7 pro 64 bit)
Posted (edited)

you have to use your dynamic ip for online not the router ip gateway look for what is my ip in google or network tools this similar website provides the ip on the top of the page when you open it. http://www.whatsmyip.org/ and the ip will end with :27960 for port of et udp/tcp so if its its guessing maybe don't need port number but you can try both it's been a while sense I tried to host but you can share it locally but before you give out your ip address make sure your firewalls are set to take in only for port access if you plan on giving it out to local friends or they will have more then just access to game in your system.


Also to point out that some routers don't except in route pings so you may have to open the port for 27960 in the router and give it access to port .

Edited by DoubleDragon
I solved it by changing windows 7 operating system to win 10

Now with all and 2 PCs with Win 10 you see it is I create with a PC is that I create with each other


Now I wish I could jump like on jaymod FA server and be able to use the syringe stamina.

  I added the bots but those of version 0.85, are invincible

I may have something wrong

I have written bots addbot 1 1

I have written bots addbot 1 2

I have written bots addbot 1 3

I have written bots addbot 1 4

I have written bots addbot 1 5

I have written bots addbot 1 6


I have written bots addbot 2 1

I have written bots addbot 2 2

I have written bots addbot 2 3

I have written bots addbot 2 4

I have written bots addbot 2 5

I have written bots addbot 2 6


I wish I could enter the bots with weapons I say



I would like to set right the commands g_


I also noticed that in jaymod.cfg there are not all commands

You do have to add another cfg to be loaded later?

Posted (edited)

Your close to right refer to this manual http://omni-bot.invisionzone.com/wiki/index.php?title=Faqomnibot


oh and use 


g_medic flags

g_misc flags

g_skill flags


do note that when using multiple flags for these cvars is you add them up to a check sum total 


like for instance g_medic there is 4 8 16 and 32 bit flags you can't use 4+8 cause 8 disables boost but you can add 4+16+32 = 52 is the bit flag

depending on which ones you use per cvar you have to add them together to get the results. 


g_skills 4 carries over to all classes not sure if that affects the adrenaline being enabled or not but it should be


you can check it by setting this g_defaultSkills 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 and you will startup with general class

Edited by DoubleDragon

that the command is used to automatically collect the weapons of fallen enemies?


and that to obtain the MP40 Thompson and also in the same bind?


I added 30 levels, I set my level 30, but I only 9 available commands, how do I get all the commands available?


I added a level of 999

and I added on this level this command
/ Rcon !Levedit -acl +C/About
i added all existing commands to the server jaymod
                                                  jaymod all commands
Name / Banner                             info                                                 Usage
About                    Print information jaymod.                                       !about
admintest             display the administrator level.                               !admintest [-all]
ban                  Bans a player who is on the atm server.                     !ban [name | Slot #] [TIME] [reason]
baninfo                   Prints information about a ban.                            !baninfo [GUID]
banlist                     Displays a list of prohibitions.                              !banlist
banuser           Bans a player who is not in atm server.                      !banuser [GUID] [now] [reason]
cancelvote              Cancel one vote.                                                 !cancelvote
Chicken           Displays the player is 'running like a chicken'.            !Chicken [name | slot #]
crazygravity    gravity changes after a short time.                              !crazygravity [on | off]
whiner           view is that player 'cry like a child'.                                !whiner [name | slot #]
DBLOAD             Upload all databases.                                             !DBLOAD
dbsave            Save all databases.                                                    !dbsave
disorient         disorient someone.                                                       !disorient [name | slot #]
finger              prints player information that is on a server (GUID, IP, MAC, namechanges etc.). !finger [name | slot #]
Fling                hurls someone.                                                           !Fling [name | slot #]
flinga              throws all players.                                                         !flinga
_ftime               Displays the current time in a fun way.                       !ftime
glow                 all players flashes.                                                      !glow [on | off]
Help    Print all available commands or help of one of them.               !help (command)
kick                     Kicks someone out of servers                                  !kick [name | slot #]! [reason]
launch                launches someone.                                                  !launch [name | Slot #] [distance]
launcha              launches all players.                                                 !launcha
levadd                adds a database level.                                             !levadd [level #]
levdelete            Delete a layer from the database.                            !levdelete [level #]
levedit                level Changes (name, GText / Gaudio, Privileges).    ! levedit [level #] (-name [name] | -gtext [gtext] | -gaudio [Gaudio] | -acl [+ | - privilege])
levinfo                prints information about the level.                                   !levinfo [level #]
levlist                  Print List level.                                                                 !levlist
listplayers           to print a list of players that are in atm server.                 !listplayers
lock                    Locks a team.                                                                  !block [r | b | s]
lol                      Generate grenades close to someone.                            !lol [name | Slot #] [# Nades]
lsplayers            Same! listplayers, but with another layout.                      !lsplayers
Mute                  Mute someone (who can not speak / vote after that).     !mute [name | slot #]
News                  Plays sound heard from the specified paper.                 !news [map]
NEXTMap             Changes map to the next in maprotation.                    !NEXTMap
Orient                 Orient someone who is disoriented.                              !Orient [name | slot #]
Page    to edit the page in commands like !banlist or !userlist.                !page [Page #]
pants                 strips someone of his pants.                                          !pants [name | slot #]
panzerwar          starts / ends the war with only panzer.                           !panzerwar [on | off]
Pause                Pause time (no one can move).                                     !pause
pip                     Glitters someone.                                                           !pip [name | slot #]
Pop                    Pops someone's helmet                                                 !pop [name | slot #]
putteam             change someone teams                                                 !putteam [name | slot #]! [R | b | s]
rename              Rename someone.                                                         !rename [current name | Slot #] [new name]
reset                  restart map & XP restores all the players have gained on this map.               !reset
resetmyxp            Restore your XP.                                                           !resetmyxp
resetxp                Restore someone XP.                                                    !resetxp [name | slot #]
restart                 Restarts the current map.                                              !recommences
revive                  Revives someone.                                                         !revive [name | slot #]
seen                  controls when someone was the last time on the server. !seen [name]
setLevel               Sets the level of administration of a player.                   !setLevel [name | Slot #] [level]
shake                  Shakes someone.                                                          !shake [name | Slot #] [seconds]
shuffle                 team Shuffles from XP.                                                   !shuffle
Slap                     Slaps someone.                                                            !slap [name | Slot #] [give]
smite                   strikes someone.                                                            !smite [name | slot #]
sniperwar            starts / ends the war with only K43 / Garand.                 !sniperwar [on | off]
Spec                    Spec someone (like / follow).                                         !spec [name | slot #]
spec999              puts all players with ping around 999 to spec.               !spec999
Splat                    Splats (gibs) someone.                                                 !splat [name | slot #]
weaves                  Splats (GIBS) all players.                                               !repayment
State                  print server information.                                                 !status
Swap                   Allies team switches with Axis.                                       !swap
Shooting                  Shooting someone.                                                  !throw [name | Slot #] [distance]
Throwa                Generate all players.                                                   !Throwa
time                    to print the current time.                                                !time
unban                 Unbans a banned player.                                             ! unban [GUID]
unlock                 unlocks a locked team.                                                !unlock [r | b | s]
unmute               audio reactivated someone who is disabled.                !unmute [Player]
reactivate             one takes a game to pause.                                       !unpause
uptime                Prints server uptime.                                                     !uptime
userdelete          Delete user from the database.                                    !userdelete [GUID]
USEREDIT              user changes in the database.                                 !USEREDIT [GUID] (-name [name] | -gtext 
                                                                                                              [Gtext] | -gaudio [Gaudio] | -acl [+ | - Privilege])
userinfo              prints user information from the database.                    !userinfo [GUID]
userlist                to print a list of users from criterium specified (name, level, since, ip).
                                                                                        !userlist (-name [name] | -level [# level] | -From [now] | -ip [iP])

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