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mouse acting wierd

Go to solution Solved by RedBaird,

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Hi guys,


New here , so little introduction.

I am Marius de Groot from the Netherlands. 64 years of age. Years ago did run a clan playing mostly ET ( any mod ) and Battlefield. That was the SpiDar clan. But moneywise we didn`t get a lot of support and we couldn`t support a more expensive gameserver. We were connected with Gameservers( was one of the cheapest at that moment,but support there was BAD!! So...the clan did go TITS UP.


Now my question,hoping someone can help. Have a MX revolution mouse. Razer Lycosa keyboard. Mouse is acting normal in any program I am running. ( By the way,running win 10 pro 64 bit. ) 

But.........when I play ET, my mouse acts wierd. Not touching the mouse, the cursor starts slowly to go down or to right or left. No difference when I run it with setpoint/uberoptions, or without. Only when I play ET.


Need more info, please ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Thanks for your quick reply Th3ory, but i don`t know what you mean? 


Is that a setting in ET or  setpoint?


Thanks for your quick reply Th3ory, but i don`t know what you mean? 


Is that a setting in ET or  setpoint?

In game type in console

/in_mouse -1



if -1 doesn't work use 1 or 2 value.


hi Th3ory,


I`ve tried that and even did go in etconfig and changed it there, but...........it doesn`t save the changes, it returns all the time with default 1.


thanks for the help anyway. Long time ago that i had to go through al this, a bit rusty.

to +++SID, no not using dual monitors.


Hallo Marius


Je hebt hetzelfde probleem als ik een week geleden denk ik, mijn muis bewoog ook vanzelf, enkel in ET


Start ET

open console (knop ² onder escape)


kijk welke waarde er staat (-1 1 2)

/in_mouse restart

/in_mouse -1 1 2 (wat je eerst had staan)


Toen was het probleem bij mij opgelost.





thanks oly for the quick reply, but i did all that. But...........all the time it returns with the default value......1.

Tried to change it in the etconfig file,but it returns to the default value 1.


Sorry Oly, I am married with an American Lady and speak mostly English. I even get slapped for talking or writing English when i have conversations with Dutchies or in your case Neighbour Dutch.....lmao.


Dus, neem mij niet kwalijk dat ik je antwoord in English. Not that it would be a problem for you , i think you can write and speak English very well.


Groetjes Marius.

  • Clan Friend

I think there isn't such a thing as in_mouse in ET, maybe etlegacy, Quake or other game, but not in ET. You can set it to whatever you like but it's either zero or nonzero afaik.
(If you use Linux you have in_dgamouse, but Windows doesnì't have that setting).

To restart the input it's /in_restart

One question, does it move even when you are in the main screen or limbo menu (i.e. when you see the arrow), or it's just when you play?


well if the adjustments you make in your .cfg file do not safe you should check if you folders are not set to 'read only'. when I updated to win10 most of my folders adjusted themselves to 'read only' and I lately heard more people who had problems with it


hi Sunlight,


What is de setting in etmain/etconfig changing then? It clearly is a setting in_mouse and a value of 1 ( in my case ) There is even a list with all the valeus for the settings where for in_mouse a value of -1, as suggested by some other members, that the value of windows will be implemented. I think that is what I need, because in windows the mouse is acting normal. And yes, it moves already in the main screen.


To Dest!Ny,


Good one, didn`t think about that.......gonna try that out.


Thanks guys.

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