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Slitface want to say ... meh heh heh


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Real Life!


First name: Scott
Any sort of Nickname?: Beavis ... meh heh heh
Age: 17
What country are you from?: Canada
Are you a Parent?: No way not now , let these girl grow up lil bit she gonna be more mature :lol:
How many siblings do you have?: 4 (not living with me)
What's your shoe size?: meh heh heh I don't know maybe 9
What do you do for a living?: Working Bruuuh
Greatest Fear?: To be kidnapped x)
Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Fighting a bumhole :D
Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: (Don't be shy!) Asking a girl if she want come with me to the graduation party
First thing you look for in a new friend?: If he is cool I'll be cool
Farthest you've been from home?: heummm Los angeles
What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?:My self 
Cat or Dog?: 2 Fking St. Bernard
What are your hobbies?: Computer , alcohol and watching videos on TV meh heh heh
What kind of Sports do you like?:Hockey , volley ball just for watching girls (You who reading that , I know you did that too , don't lie to your self bud ) x)
What's your favorite color?: Red
How about your favorite type of music?: Rap , Old school rap , Gangsta Rap and all these sh*t
Favorite Song?: Chief keef Laughin to the Bank
What's your favorite TV show?: Big bang theory and Still standing
What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Action like crank and all that shit , comedy
Favorite Movie?: Trailer park boys
What do you hate most about yourself?: I'm shy ... FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Favorite actor/Actress?: Jennifer Lawrence :wub: 
Favorite season? Why?: Winter girl is less totts than the summer
What are your top three games of all time?: Postal , Wolfenstein ET and RTCW
Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about:
How many games do you own?: I don't know
Do you play console?: Not really for now
What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): IOS
What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): Facebook and ******* (censored for kids :P )
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Hello Scott what is your favorite hockey team? If you want read our NHL topic and take part of that feel free to do it in here http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/61635-nhl-season-2014-2015/and Welcome to our forum :)

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Thank you all of you are really Cool :P:D

Von my favorite Hockey Team Is Montreal Canadien , I live in Montreal :D


Hello and welcome to forum.
How did you got your nickname Scott?

Are you asking why i got Slitface or Beavis ? ^_^

John A bumhole for me mean Azzhole without azz but a Bum at the place of azz ... Woooohooo to much azz in that sentence x)

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John A bumhole for me mean Azzhole without azz but a Bum at the place of azz ... Woooohooo to much azz in that sentence x)


Duh, silly me lol. Sorry. :blush:

I thought you were being clever about fighting a panhandler.

Idk either.

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Thank you all of you are really Cool :P:D

Von my favorite Hockey Team Is Montreal Canadien , I live in Montreal :D


Are you asking why i got Slitface or Beavis ? ^_^

John A bumhole for me mean Azzhole without azz but a Bum at the place of azz ... Woooohooo to much azz in that sentence x)

Beavis ... meh heh heh 

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