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Steam Queue: What is Q.U.B.E - Director's Cut?

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Type: FPS Puzzle

Dev/Publisher: Toxic Games

Steam price: $9.99

Lowest Price: $4.99

Bundled: Yes

Recommended?: Yes.


Currently in Bundlestars Scorched Bundle. Get it +13 more games for $3.99:  http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/scorched-bundle/

Edited by SiD
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Remember SID, put the prefix of game name and type, for search functions. Also Dare is right. Please add a summary of the game. Usually easier if there is a storyline, but if it's a puzzle game a few sentences will do.


Also use the point system, pros and cons...

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First: What do you mean prefix?


And the summary is why I did the video. That's the whole point of me doing the videos.


The guideline should be just that. A guideline. Not a mandatory form in order to post lol


These are not 100% through and through reviews. It's a first impression or preview for potential buyers. All of the relevant information is there.

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First: What do you mean prefix?


And the summary is why I did the video. That's the whole point of me doing the videos.


The guideline should be just that. A guideline. Not a mandatory form in order to post lol


These are not 100% through and through reviews. It's a first impression or preview for potential buyers. All of the relevant information is there.


Review requires some text.. info description etc..




Players will progress through an ever-evolving series of cube puzzles that will challenge them with logic, physics, platforming..



.U.B.E. (Quick Understanding of Block Extrusion) is a physics-based puzzle video game developed and published by Toxic Games, with help from Indie Fund, a group of successful independent game developers. The game, an expansion of a student project by the founding members of Toxic Games, was released for Microsoft Windows through a number of digital distribution platforms, first through Desura on 17 December 2011 and then through Steam on 6 January 2012. An OS X port was later released on 17 December 2012 through Steam and on 18 December 2012 through Desura, with iOS, PlayStation Network, Wii U and Xbox One ports being planned for release in 2014. A "director's cut" version of the game, featuring more story-based elements, additional challenges, and support for Oculus Rift virtual reality hardware, was released for Windows in May 2014 and it will be released on PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Xbox One later in the year.


In the game, the player guides their avatar through a series of levels to make their way to an exit. The player-character is equipped with special gloves that can perform a number of functions on specific blocks to reach the exit. The game employs a sterile monochromatic environment that highlights the coloured blocks that the player can interact with, and has been compared to the Portal series.





The player's character, after waking up from some incident, finds himself with a pair of gloves that can interact with specific blocks that are in the walls, floors, and ceilings of the various rooms as he progresses. The function of the blocks are distinguished by colour: red blocks can be extended or retracted; yellow blocks, always in groups of three, can be used to make stair-like structures; blue blocks can be retracted to act like a springboard to whatever touches them; purple blocks provide means to rotate sections of walls of a room; and green blocks provide a sphere or cube, which the player will need to manipulate. In the early stages, the player's goal is to use a combination of these blocks to get themselves to an exit point, allowing them to move to the next chamber.


As the player progresses deeper into the unknown complex, new puzzle aspects are introduced. In one stage, the bulk of the chambers are dark except for specific coloured blocks, requiring the player to remember the location of other blocks as they manipulate them.[2] Another section features light-oriented puzzles, with the player using cubes and other features to orient the light beam in the correct fashion.


Ultimately the player finds themselves on an elevator that slips into the bowels of the unknown location. The player works through the worn-down environments until they reach an escape pod. The pod launches into space, where the player finds themselves in space, between the Earth and its moon; they have just left a giant rectangular vessel, on which damage from asteroids can clearly be seen.


Source: Wiki

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So by prefixes I mean like the prefixes/tags/whatever they are that you used "steam" "review" "game". And I appreciate the videos, don't get me wrong, but when I do my best shopping (at work) I cannot watch videos and some people prefer to read. So we want to accommodate to the masses. A video and description would be great! I'm not asking that you write it, a simple copy and paste with a link for credit like Dare did, is perfect.


As I do realize that the guidelines are more optional then mandatory, keeping some form is good. You've followed the same format for both reviews, but I speak for more people then just I, a lil bit more would be nice.



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His point is that it's a video review, all the review content is in the video in his post. He's got a brief breakdown of the game details with his score for the game under the video, which should be just enough for anyone just wanting to breeze through the thread to get to the meat of it.


Type: FPS Puzzle

Dev/Publisher: Toxic Games

Steam price: $9.99

Lowest Price: $4.99

Bundled: Yes

Recommended?: Yes.




I think overall it meets the criteria for a review, though if I were to offer one critique/advice I think a brief summary of the points in the review would be recommended, like a brief summary of the game (spoiler free if possible), Pros, Cons, final thoughts, score (like would you recommend the game, etc) Ignore that last bit, I'm retarded.


If it requires tags or something that can be added after the fact via PM if it was forgotten


I think what Dare is looking for is just a little bit more depth for the people who either can't watch the video due to it being blocked in their country, or for some other reason they can't watch the video


Edit: BTW, ignore the thread rating, I accidentally clicked it while trying to click the follow options...I did not think it was a 2 star topic...

Edited by GI-JOE
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His point is that it's a video review, all the review content is in the video in his post. He's got a brief breakdown of the game details with his score for the game under the video, which should be just enough for anyone just wanting to breeze through the thread to get to the meat of it.




I think overall it meets the criteria for a review, though if I were to offer one critique/advice I think a brief summary of the points in the review would be recommended, like Pros, Cons, final thoughts, score (like would you recommend the game, etc) If it requires tags or something that can be added after the fact via PM if it was forgotten


I think what Dare is looking for is just a little bit more depth for the people who either can't watch the video due to it being blocked in their country, or for some other reason they can't watch the video


Edit: BTW, ignore the thread rating, I accidentally clicked it while trying to click the follow options...I did not think it was a 2 star topic...

Oh I thought Sid did the star, when I suggested point value. LOL! And here I was thinking it was a horrible game. But Sid, we appreciate the reviews (keep posting) we would just like a bit more and I think we've touched upon the video aspect.


Muchas gracias! <3

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Edit: BTW, ignore the thread rating, I accidentally clicked it while trying to click the follow options...I did not think it was a 2 star topic...


You can always change the thread rating :P

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Ignore my stupid f***in critique/advice BS, I didn't read the guideline post and see all the same points already there -___-


@Dare I didn't see that option, where is it? EXPLAIN YOUR WITCHCRAFT!!   :omgcat:

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hah and alright. I got a couple more uploads going so I'll fill in a little bit more info with the future posts. I can't give most games a 1-10 rating personally, as I would need to play from start to finish completely. I can give a summary if it's worth buying, or not.


Ah, didn't realize that's what the prefixes were. Alrighty, can do.

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