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Considering RtCW got me into Enemy Territory I'd consider trying the game, or just having a look at it. Plenty of videos on youtube.


RtCW - Return to Castle Wolfenstein


Game was released in 2001-2002 and still to this day people are still playing this game. We have a limited amount of servers, but ECGN is always full(64 slot server, with admins who switch maps, usually) and also the competitive side of RtCW which is OSP. There is currently a tournament going on for this game, with live shout casters, and plenty of old RtCW faces!


Since I'm new, please let me know if posting this information is allowed:


Download can be found here(free follow the exact steps)



RtCW cup info:



RtCW bio



RtCW video from 2001-2002 when RtCW was first released, amazing tournament!:


RtCW Live castings every Sunday by WarWitch himself:



If you have any questions about this version, please let me know!

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I played RtCW quite a bit. Forgot the server i played on but, this time, last year there were like 20 odd players at peak times. Had a lot of fun on it. Its quite different in many ways to ET but just as fun! Mostly played Beach invasion and TC Base.

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  • Clan Friend

nice game, but since my ping sucks I would never touch a game without a decent antilag


losing is already hard to accept, losing because of ping even more. But I love the sound of RTCW weapons if compared to ET ones :)

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I played RtCW quite a bit. Forgot the server i played on but, this time, last year there were like 20 odd players at peak times. Had a lot of fun on it. Its quite different in many ways to ET but just as fun! Mostly played Beach invasion and TC Base.

At peak times now, which is usually from 6pm-12am EST there is a good chance that theres about 15v15 players, depending on the day. Weekends sometimes all 64 slots are used!


nice game, but since my ping sucks I would never touch a game without a decent antilag


losing is already hard to accept, losing because of ping even more. But I love the sound of RTCW weapons if compared to ET ones  :)

Considering most of the servers now a days are run differently, antilag is definitely enabled on all servers, unless its a comp match. Shouldn't be a problem playing on a pub match, I see plenty of 150+ pingers. 


 Nice to see so many teams in that cup. 

In which, the previous cup or the cup of the video I posted? The video I posted was from 2001-2002 when RtCW was first released.

If you're referring to the previous cup, then yes the outcome was a lot better then we all expected, around 15+ teams of 6 players each, and a roster of 10 max. 

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I'd really suggest getting into it and those that don't have it, download it or purchase it. It's a really fun game! Also try out the single player mode. The storyline is epic!!

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I'd really suggest getting into it and those that don't have it, download it or purchase it. It's a really fun game! Also try out the single player mode. The storyline is epic!!

Thanks Cheep, yea it's definitely worth looking at and giving it a tryout! 

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I played the hell out of this game when it came out, then again I played the hell out of Wolfenstien 3D  when it came out too.

I've been playing the hell out of it since 2005 :P

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Probably i have this game somewhere on my pc B) i must find and maybe play :yahoo

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