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Silent / Hardcore Servers TeamSwap


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I have noticed the server does a random !shuffle at the beginning of some maps would it be possible to add a random !swapteams  command like every 3rd map or so? The reason I ask is because I notice the teams usually get stacked towards the defending team which in most cases is Axis and when your coming in and trying to even up the teams you wind up Allies having to attack over and over.

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In my opinion, swapteams is only effective when the teams stay the same all the time, like in a scrim. Player1 Player2 Player3 vs Player4 Player5 Player6. The shuffle every 2 maps ensures that the teams are constantly mixed up, which gives everyone a fair chance to play both teams, as well as keep things fair.


With the addition of swapteams, people would just switch teams after the swap, and go where they want anyways, making it pointless to add.

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which gives everyone a fair chance to play both teams


I have to disagree on that one! The highest K/D player will be put on Axis on every shuffle. Having a high K/D (5.9 for me), I am always put on Axis and can only play Allies when I join the server and the Allies aren't winning (I try not to stack teams).


I do believe the swap-teams might be useless like you said, but is there anyway to make the shuffle...more random? Like...Not always putting the highest K/D on Axis? Or is that something that can't be configured?

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I don't think it would be useless with the swap teams feature it would be very obvious if someone was jumping teams to stay axis or defending in which case they could be called out on it. As it sits now I do notice certain players always seem to go to axis/defenders which in turn causes the teams to get stacked. I don't really mind always attacking but just seems like it would be good to have that feature so everyone gets = chance of either being attackers or defenders.

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With the addition of swapteams, people would just switch teams after the swap, and go where they want anyways, making it pointless to add.

While that maybe true, the same applies after a shuffle (sadly..).  It's in fact easier for the few players who got moved during a shuffle to rejoin the 'winning' side as opposed to a whole team to move back after a swap.  But as for making teams fair, I think a shuffle still makes more sense as it tries to even out teams.  If an axis team is stacked and allies are just stuck near their own spawn, then the result after a swap (assuming that the teams stay the same) will most likely be an ally team rolling-over a defenseless axis team, and end a map in 5mins.


So... Ideally, an "auto-lock-teams" feature after a shuffle would therefore be the best option, lol. :P

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So... Ideally, an "auto-lock-teams" feature after a shuffle would therefore be the best option, lol. :P


We are working on something like that. ;)

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