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I want to make a batch files which takes links from the .txt file and download files from that link. Download is password protected, so we would need to supply username and pass.


Basically, it should download file from the link provided and save it to one pre defined folder.


Any batch scripting gurus on our forum?


hmm would be usefull if there's smth like that out there, since for movies or games when u download via rapidshare / megaupload sometimes u get like 80 or more links and its annyoing to copy paste each and download :D


hmm would be usefull if there's smth like that out there, since for movies or games when u download via rapidshare / megaupload sometimes u get like 80 or more links and its annyoing to copy paste each and download :D


lol use Jdownloader if you havent got prenium, otherwise get prenium and get rapidshare manager/megaupload manager :P (or even any download mamager)


F257 is right.

Download JDownloader - copy and paste links to this program, add to download. You can set limit of internet transfer (ex. 50kb).

  • Administrators

Does it have to be a batch script?


Yes. I want to download Prod Logs and my company doesn't allow to use any softwares rather then batch (preferable) or perl script.


Well Batch won't support authentication, and you could only really open a process with it - It's not exactly a "real" scripting language. Perl's more like it, but I'm not the guy to help with that.


Something like this should work (found this on the net).

@echo off


%0.ftp echo o mysite.com

%0.ftp echo username

%0.ftp echo password

%0.ftp echo bin

%0.ftp echo cd mydir

%0.ftp echo prompt

%0.ftp echo mget filename.ext

%0.ftp echo bye


ftp -s:%0.ftp

  • Administrators

The one you posted is for ftp and will not work. I did something like this:


@echo off
rem Launch google.com, wait 2 seconds, then close the browser.
start http://fearless-assassins.com

ping -n 2 -w 2000 > nul

rem for killing the iexplorer. 
taskkill /im iexplore.exe


I can save the session in Firefox, but can't in IE. The only problem to me is doesn't auto saves the file. I need to click on save button and then save it. I want to force IE to auto save the file.


I was going to ask if it was a computer on a domian or a local .... The easiest way would be to call on a vbs file from your batch that just uses send key (enter) and time it to 3000-4000 milliseconds. If you don't want to use vb you may be able to create a perl script but vb would be easier with windows. Can you use vb or just perl and batch files? :yahoo


I can code you a perl script when you want. I've been working with Perl for the last 3 years. So I'm not a guru but I can do great stuff.


I would need more information about your authentification. What type of auth you need? In Perl you can simulate a whole session authentification. However I want to know if I need to use SSL modules or basic auth modules. Do you have any links (with user/pass) I could use to test and see what you exactly need. At 100% sure we can do it in Perl. In Batch, it would require some DLLs and other programs to be preinstalled.


So if no one else answered you, just PM me the information and I'll do it this weekend (more on Sunday). Give me all the specifications you know. If the script need to run all the time and look at a single file, if you want to input that filename while launching the script, etc.

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