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Signature Samples

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signature minato namikaze   taiki  By Hk Div d63roor


I just distorted and smudged the pic and added Naruto Ninja font. I also smeared colors and matched them, nothing too big except added text.


41416   army artist scatch42 Gun love And tolerance military rainbow dash sniper


I just blurred the pony to add the affect of zoom, and smeared colors. I added Chocolate Cake font and matched it with her eyes.



phoenix L


I added color mods and different lighting enhancements. I then went through and added some color enhancements and then messed with the color balance. I added the Seaweed flame font and matched it with the orange tail flame of the actual Phoenix and messed with some color attachments as well...



OVERALL: I went through theses pretty fast ( I would say about 2 hours for all 4 ) so I apologize when the quality is a little poor :/... But i downloaded fonts and added them through install and I can change the color scheme of each if you want. Nothing really big, I didnt spend that much time on these but it was fun creating theme. I have more in stock so let me know if you want me to create one, I am currently creating these for fun and I am creating more as I type this :)

Edited by Shinobi
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Yeah Midnight Ill fix that :) and of course Yellow you can use it.


I rushed and looked at your sig now and assumed the a was an o... If you want, can you send me a backround and I can try and work it with another font if you want :) I have millions of fonts I can choose from, I just download them haha

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Sounds good, Im currently working on one for smoke and I am obsessed with Minato and Naruto so dont be suprised if you see one for Madara or Yellow again haha

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I wasnt quite sure if it was the right pony Lain, since its different than the one you have now :/


moolit mermaid night Sky




I just threw this one together mid



The only problem was with that font, the = and / in =F|A= were symbols

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bass fishing



Nothing huge, but Smoke liked fishing so i thought what the hell



background black 3d powerpoint template



An =F|A= Sig banner I made.

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