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So has anyone actually put any time into this game? I am almost finished with install and getting ready to give it a go.. Would like to hear some feed back :D

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So has anyone actually put any time into this game? I am almost finished with install and getting ready to give it a go.. Would like to hear some feed back :D


I did (somewhere between 50-150h I think) and most things are the same as in the OP.

I still love the game , but until they actually add metagame it's just large TDM.


They added extra weapons, are balancing a lot of stuff, talk to the community in an awesome way (I have played with one of the devs on regular basis)

But the optimization is stil the biggest problem (there should be a performance increase with the big patch 31 januari though)

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Well if anyone wants to see an old ghost, I play on the SolTech (US East) server - Terran Republic - Infiltrator Specialist - RangeMastr & EdwardsDigital IGN's.


I hop on almost every evening for a little while (unless things get outta hand, then I can be on for a LOT longer).


Hope to see some =F|A= members on there.

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Well if anyone wants to see an old ghost, I play on the SolTech (US East) server - Terran Republic - Infiltrator Specialist - RangeMastr & EdwardsDigital IGN's.


I hop on almost every evening for a little while (unless things get outta hand, then I can be on for a LOT longer).


Hope to see some =F|A= members on there.


I will look you up when I am on! :D

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If anyone still cares. I'm on the server Ceres, EU. Play as Terran Repuvblic -> ProzacAddict


Well, I would love to play with you...


But you are on the wrong server :P



My main character (only BR 25, I play way too much on other characters :P) with all the sc stuff is on Mallory.

My second account is on Cobalt.

My third is Vanu on Connery ^^



Might move over my main if they make that possible, but that will take a while :P

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Well, I would love to play with you...


But you are on the wrong server :P



My main character (only BR 25, I play way too much on other characters :P) with all the sc stuff is on Mallory.

My second account is on Cobalt.

My third is Vanu on Connery ^^



Might move over my main if they make that possible, but that will take a while :P


Well I just started a Dutchspeaking Outfit if you're interested ;)

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Well I just started a Dutchspeaking Outfit if you're interested ;)


intrested yes, but not willing to start over on new server :P I need my rocketpods :P

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pfff my PC won't RUN this awesome game like this

i can play only COD4mw,minecraft :D,MTA=Multy theft auto san andreas


but this game look very cool,if i get much better PC i want to try it

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  • 2 months later...

I think you should all pick a us server and euro server and stick to it so that new comers join the same server as you - rather than you all saying I play this server, join me. - ps smurfs suck, TR FTW!!

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I think you should all pick a us server and euro server and stick to it so that new comers join the same server as you - rather than you all saying I play this server, join me. - ps smurfs suck, TR FTW!!



Well, my US character is Vanu (play it when maggie => luperza/game dev is streaming to join her squad)

My EU characters are TR though and you are right TR master race :P


Atm not playing,waiting for bbq max.

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I've stopped playing because I keep dieing due to bad fps. I used to be able to record and play, but ever since game update 2, my fps has been going downhill, and every hotfix/ maintainance after that where they bring in new shit seems to make it just worst. In combat, i'm getting like 7 fps , making it hard to not die - and I hate the new bullshit where after you kill someone, they keep shooting and can still get a vengance kill on you. And then they fixed that vehicles stop moving as soon as you get out :( I liked that you had to slow down before you got out, and ifyou just jumped out moving 90 miles an hour, your car was gonna roll away from you - was more realistic. And an invisible flash - which only infilitrators can use... cause the smg didn't make them overpowered  enough and what's with making a perk that only 1 class can use.. aaah rant rant rant - the game has gone downhill for me since mid feburary so i'm hoping these will get fixed by summer.


Anyways, I have a waterson tr character with 3.5k certs and a woodman tr character with 6.5k certs. I will be sticking to tr cause I don't wish to play with stupidly low recoil or stupidly high recoil, and  although the vanu vehicles are good, I don't want my character to look like a spandex fishhead whislt I play.

But if we can decide a server to play on, and everyone plays on TR, then I don't mind deleting  my last character on matherson and joining up on whatever the decided server is. Cause it would be nice to kick some ass with you guys and show planetside how we be doing.

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