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I apologize in advance for the English because it mastered So excuse mistakes. I would like to complain to the admins Jay mod4 F | A Captain187 without any of our consent and notification dared me to throw the other team and this at a time when I was in the best if he asked me so ok if it was needed on the server so but ok without explanation and asking throwing me to the second team responded here to return back and he kick me for 3 min.Proto I want to complain I did the first time is always a highlight or ask thank you for your understanding.


Please provide any proofs e.g screenshots, demos etc. We can't do anything without proofs. Regards


Můžete mi poskytnout důkaz? Jak bylo uvedeno Balzand, nemůžeme dělat nic bez důkazu.


Can you bring proofs? As said by Balzand, we can't do anything without proofs.



you must have proof. Next time do /autoscreenshot for screenshot and /autorecord for demo if im not wrong.


open console and do /autoscreenshot just look at the part in console you want to make a screenshot of


Yeah I understand that but what exactly do I take a picture as evidence when I kick off? For when I toss in another team.

What can I take a picture? Thank you for your advice.


And how you move the autoscreenshot? Kdyyž I entered into the console then drove fo autoscreen folder so there is nothing není.Jak is it possible?


Besides to what everyone said here, please be aware that admins are trying to keep teams fair and even while playing on a server. If the teams were uneven, he probably asked in main chat to even teams and when nobody does even the teams, he puts someone from the stronger team to balance the teams.

If that person that gets put to the weaker team, then joins back to the stronger team, it is called team stacking and this is not allowed on our server.



If you believe that the admin put you for no reason, then make a screenshot of the teams, and make screenshots of the console from when he put you to the other team and a few pages back up to proof that he never asked to even teams before and that the !putteam is not justified. Either way you should not simply join back the other team when an admin puts you to a certain team, because usually when an admin does that, it is for a reason. And team stacking is a good reason to kick someone from server after a warning.


And while we are already on it, you could post that topic in the correct section next time please: http://fearless-assassins.com/forums/71-admin-abuse/

There is also a topic about how to make such an admin abuse complaint: http://fearless-assassins.com/forum-71/announcement-5-read-before-posting-complain-against-community-member-or-regular-admin/


Yes thank you I was looking for this topic but could not orient themselves very well here because not all understand, and I understand not everything is so bad that I'm sorry but I sekce.Jak said teams were fear play but screen so I do not have luck but next time everything will be.


Me ask in Main Chat even Teams noOne Do that so put Me random car to axis he goes back i ask to him stay here after Me put him back he doit again so !kick 4stacking mfg captain187 i Hope u undertad my Bad englisch

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