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If You Dont Believe in UFOs? Watch This!


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Now lets not mix UFOs and aliens. Just because it is a UFO does not mean it is an alien. I think that what people are seeing is top secret military projects. Also, I do not think that aliens exist, but that isn't something we can prove or disprove at the moment (its just my opinion)


I'm thinking the same way.

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I saw  a orange and red orb flying high in the sky going about 3000 mph at night last week.

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I believe that we are not alone.  there have been too many sightings for them to be just experimental aircraft and weather conditions.





these are just a few. Also check out the encounters by the Belgium airforce in the 90s


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My dad had once told me a story that a few years back, he was sitting in his backyard by a fire with his friends, and he said that he had seen a huge triangular object go above them. I checked with all of the people he was with and they told me the same story. o.o

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this is strange only discovered this topic just now.. as you can see there was a belgian ufo wave back in the days .. i witnessed one with my friend but it was in long distance lol, we saw a bright spot light , and a second later it took off with exteme speed so it wasnt an airplane lol. 

We told nobody :P


weird huh joking !! no really im not joking .... 




so yea there is life lol ... and this is the thing related with religion.. God /allah/.. all of them .. We believe in a certain religion cos it was written right. But since then none of them Gods have shown their presence, so MY Thought is .. they saw that humans were too strong and too destructive so they left to other planets in space cos there is still  hope lol.  

But then again , the evil ones lol ( they 're like my best friends lol) they started to like this planet  the biggest army in the universe so lets get together and here it is guys ... AREA  51 and rosswell and stuff they hiding information for the citizens since they defeted the nazis 


dont believe me, search ufo nazis or smth , the germans invented a flying object based on magnetic fields that won against gravity. there's a whole documentery about it. The american government destroyed the evidence and kept it for spionage against korea and russia


Since then most of the UFO sightnings that have been witnessed by 100's of ppl at the same time were the USA who used it .  There are certain things The idiots on earth with POWER are trying to make the ppl believe , and this matter is THE ULTIMATE ONE.. cos they know like anyone else if someone says he saw an UFO the others will call him a madman... 


They try to make the main public dumber and dumber by use of the media and other things i wont talk about now 


THis post will probably deleted cos of the religion sentences but so be it 


Aliens arent resistened against our AIR its full of bacterias

They are more afraid of us then we are of them trust me 


Not convinced yet ... back to the faraos egypt .. search nubiria or smth giant skulls fake or not ? 


They playing a game with us fellas !!  dont be a fool and buy it ... the bible was written so it must be true LOOOL 


i cant proove God exist , but face it , i can proove the devil exist right ? :D


humans are the ultimate weapon and they are afraid of it lol


take care bb


Eveything is related with nothing, why is it that there hasnt been created a new art-movement since years , cos they wont let it..  The people think that already everything is invented yet , they read books ffs, go in your basement do some crazy shit and write your own books 

maybe try call for an alien ''maaaiioooohhhmmm allieens '''

Edited by $kullcollector
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search NAzis ufo secrets 


so conclusion is i dont give a shit bout ufos .. i gonna focus on planet earth

They have a documentary about this on Discovery channel a couple years ago. The Russians had kidnapped a couple of the German scientists who worked on "flying saucer type looking aircraft" and started developing their own that could fly over the North pole. They never ended up succeeding in building a working one though. About the aircraft that uses magnetic fields, I am pretty sure that you are talking about using anti-gravity. So if you think about gravity as a frequency, all you need is the opposite frequency to cancel out gravity. I know that using the Earth's magnetic field is very difficult and I doubt there is enough power to make an aircraft fly. There are some Satellites that use the Earth's magnetic field to change their attitude in space, but that is all I've heard about it.
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here you can see it s still there (poland) ... the real base is underground(WLODARZ) ill try to find a video of it that doesnt look retarded .. good morning by my way ;)

the base

they called it .... ring ding dong 'the bell ' looool

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