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Hooked on chicken nuggets: Girl, 17, who has eaten nothing else since age TWO rushed to hospital after collapsing


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I expected to see some giant, overweight, grease sweating troll. She doesn't appear to be giant, overweight or sweating grease at all.


Can you imagine what she smells like after a good run? I bet it's frys.

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I try not to judge other people and lord knows my eating habits arent the best, yet as a parent I cant see how the mother didnt curb this addiction when her daughter was young. My kids also love to eat fast food and occasionally we get it for them but as a parent you have to be able to say NO to your kids. Reminds me of that story a couple of years back about a 3 year old that chain smoked 3 packs a day and couldnt walk and had to get around on a ride on toy just sick.

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I worked at McDonalds for 3 years and it was mostly all I ate. i never put on any weight. But I could tell it was effecting me because It was never filling and I was always tired and had no energy because of it. there is not vitamins or good stuff in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

exorbitance in anything would cause the regrettable consequences.

as Weetbix said, i blame parents who were not enough careful to warn the child to avoid of eating these junk foods. McDonald and KFC or any other fast food restaurants are good if you go there once a week.


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My son lived on chicken nuggetts and swede for almost 2 years, he was having chemo at time so his taste buds were affected and also his stomach could not handle anything but the blandest of foods!!


it broke my heart everyday watching him eat that crap... even though I was advised to fry them and give him what he wanted ( a high calorie diet is needed when on chemo) however he now eats like a normal person because as soon as he was off chemo I introduced normal food slowly but strictly, many a battle of wills went on at dinnertime, what this mum is saying is pure bolloxs she is the mum it is her duty to bring her child up and ensure she has th well structured die she needs for healthy progress physically and mentally !!!


I think this kind of thing almost borders on child neglect there are no excuses except laziness!!!

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I must say, I love chicken...Chicken nuggets, tenders, breats, thighs, legs, anything about chicken. I still to this day do. The difference is I know how to pop a multi vitamin each day to ensure proper nutrients as well as excercise to help.


This, in turn, is just a fail in life as well as parenting. The mother should have stood up and become stronger at the younger ages to ensure that this child did not turn out the way they have. I feel that a person is under adult supervision untill 18, that sounds harsh but unless you make your own job, pay your own bills and buy your own food, it is up to whoever looks after you to make sure you are fed right and healthy.

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