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Hacker taking over HC server


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It wont even let me warn him. Doesnt look like anyone can ban or kick him. I feel stupid because everyone is wanting me to kick him and I cant do a thing. I am no pc geek but I think he has taken over the Admin side of it.. He is shooting thru walls killing everyone from all sides of the map and PLUS He is a **** to boot





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They got him...curve use xfire next time. I got bout 5-7 guys xfiring me about it and see how fast it got solved.

Thanks for the hard work guys. And to the founders for being on vent at the right time lol.

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My xfire sucks ass.. not sure what the problem is but once i turn it on it goes crazy and I have to turn off so i can play :} give me some numbers i can just txt the F|A gods when needed :} Also when will I get the command to kick a punk out of game or a short ban when they are obviously just screwing with peoples game fun? I am an adult and very fair and give players a chance to get it right. As of now I can warn 3 times and it kicks them the 3rd time. Most of the time that is enough cause there are other F|A online. Sometimes I play weird hours and its just me and it gets harder to keep the jerks out. I know lastnight there was nothing none of us could do till the Gods showed up :}




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Yeah, but there was a guy recently who disabled the manu-admin (our ingame admin). !warn/!kick/!ban etc were unusable; only a ban from remote would work.


The guy I "met" was f8t**4 or f4t8** or something...

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If you guys see anyone hackin or suspect someones hacking contact a leader, coleader or staff that would be:

Theo, Funkbut, Milli, Gi-Joe, Baska, MattyC and me (if im forgettin anyone with ban feel free to include your name here lol). We all have ban and chances are you are going to catch one of us on forums (try pming) or xfire or vent.

Yes we have been having some extreme hackers but there are ways to handle them! Just let someone know. lIf none of us are on then last resort kick them, that dont work then come on forums and post the name, time and server.

@the phone thing, i dont have a cellphone but im sure one of the leader wont mind giving you theirs....i think...

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If things aren't disabled in game I'm able to help out also. You can get me on xfire or send me a message on the forums. I normally have it on through the day.

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