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This Bill would allow essentially allow A Great Firewall of America and would be a shameful desecration of free speech and any sort of reasonable copyright law. The new Law would allow copyright holders to force websites which have any copyrighted material to be blocked by ISP companies around the country, without requiring that the websites be given time to take the offending material down. It would also put pressure on ISP companies to monitor their users like never before, a gross invasion of privacy. This bill is a direct assault on a free internet and a shameful attempt by copyright lobbyists to destroy net neutrality. Essentially it's a censorship law that would end the internet as we know it in America.



Posted (edited)

The bill is only targeting the people who break copyright laws and I fully support it and not people who use it legally. Downloading or uploading a copyrighted art is no different then stealing a item from the super market. It's illegal and should be treated as such.


Nothing to due with America as a free country. America is free in terms of voting, rights, speech and is one of the best country's to actually raise a family and own a business considering you do it right.


Free does NOT mean break any and all laws as that would be chaos not freedom. There is country's where there is basically no laws and people do what they want yet still don't have equal rights and free speech. There is a difference and granted sometimes it's a fine line.


You claim the internet is private and the government should not know? I highly disagree.

The government should monitor the internet fully in my opinion and put a stop to all the illegal activity's.

Look at all the stealing on the internet, stealing music, movies, games. Downloading a CD is no different then stealing it from Walmart but you download as you think you will not be caught and this puts a stop to virtual thief which most are against as a vast majority of you are enjoying stolen music and movies on your computer and/or ipod.


Far as wanting complete privacy on the internet I'm sure all the perverts that terrorize children, share illegal photos and you all know where I'm going with this would agree. I'm not comparing the two but just making a point of how the internet SHOULD be monitored very closely. Granted this bill has nothing to do with that issue but do you want the internet to be 100% private and anonymous?


I sure don't.


Stripped of their obfuscations, SOPA and Protect IP suggest increasing desperation by media companies. A bill that was to target only the "worst of the worst" foreign Web sites committing blatant and systemic copyright and trademark infringement has morphed inexplicably into an unrestricted hunting license for media companies to harass anyone--foreign or domestic--who questions their timetable for digital transformation.


Nothing can change the fact that Hollywood's way of life is transforming once again. The only unknown is time--will a profitable future for digital content arrive in a few years or will it take another decade? SOPA only seeks to delay the inevitable, at the cost of wasteful litigation and overzealous law enforcement.


The bill, introduced as the House version of the Senate's Protect IP Act, solves few of the glaring problems of the Senate bill and introduces many all its own. While Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) may have given in to hyperbole in calling SOPA "the end of the Internet as we know it," there is certainly a great deal in the bill that should concern even law-abiding consumers and leaders in the tech community.


Source: CNET News

Edited by YMCMB

You see this kind of stuff like all over the world



recently piratebay was 'blocked' here in Belgium (it was a dns block so worthless ^^), but anyway you see that the governments are putting blocks on website (call in censure if you want)


I agree that you can see downloading movies, music,... as illegal (although for example in the netherlands downloading music and movies is legal, uploading is not => doesn't apply to software), but on the otherside I'm also afraid this is just the beginning...



I'm afraid this will lead to complete censure, like I don't like what you putted on you website so I put a block on your site...

and that would destroy the whole concept of the internet being and source of information



one sidenote: just wondering what the effect on companies like google will be...



ps. hope I make myself clear, just awake and I have the feeling I made a ton of writing errors in this reply ^^


Back when I was a kid I was free now at 47 I dont feel that way, its always more goverment and more laws and that equals less freedom no matter what you think.

Bah the goverment is so big now its crushing the US under its own weight!!! They add another law they have to add 6 agencies and 5 commitees to make it work I cant afford to pay for it all, most of its penny anty bull.


Look at obama care its supposed to reduce the deficit by 1 trilloin dollars over the next ten years But it immediatly added 1 trillion to the deficit and created 159 new federal commissions and boards for healthcare reform read.


Whos gonna pay for this E-PARASITE Act, You and I, if you dont think so your very wrong.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/15/2011 at 3:19 PM, Waster said:

Back when I was a kid I was free now at 47 I dont feel that way, its always more goverment and more laws and that equals less freedom no matter what you think.

Bah the goverment is so big now its crushing the US under its own weight!!! They add another law they have to add 6 agencies and 5 commitees to make it work I cant afford to pay for it all, most of its penny anty bull.


Look at obama care its supposed to reduce the deficit by 1 trilloin dollars over the next ten years But it immediatly added 1 trillion to the deficit and created 159 new federal commissions and boards for healthcare reform read.


Whos gonna pay for this E-PARASITE Act, You and I, if you dont think so your very wrong.


I'm 24 and I can say same freedoms I had and internet did not even exist then so you can you bring age into the matter. I know as a child I had no internet and oblivious as time passes new technology comes into effect so new laws are needed to govern it.


Comparing this Obama's failed healthcare plan? Really not even the same.


I think it will pay for it's self as less people stealing music and movies = more people buying = more tax profits coming in


I am a white female (American) and I have duel citizenship to Brazil which is neither here or there and in northern Brazil there is no laws none that enforced anyways. Up in Roraima people have no legal restrictions and you would not believe what is allowed. My point begin you can not have it both ways. You can choose to live in a place where government keeps things in check or a place where it's chaos. I have significant family interest in Brazil and usually spend my summers or at-least a part of them there and things are way different. There is a lot of issues with our government here and don't like it but raising a family and owning businesses I can honestly say America is perfect in that aspect. I would never open a legitimate business in Brazil or anywhere in South America for that reason. My point begin laws and restrictions have nothing to do with freedom when in this manor. Without laws you are in chaos and I can assure you that's not how you would want it.


Hope this post made sense.

Edited by YMCMB
Posted (edited)
  On 11/15/2011 at 4:22 PM, Waster said:

Doesnt need to turn into a police state either


No but in my beliefs people are weak and need a powerful leadership to set boundary's on what is acceptable is what is not without stepping on freedom. I think there needs to be strict guidelines on what is illegal and what is not in this case stealing. I'm not saying we need a dictatorship to tell us what to think, worship, favor as that's not at all what I'm saying if it came off that way. Need laws to protect work of others downloading a song is no different then stealing your neighbors car. You don't own it but it looks nice and you don't have it yet want it and can not afford it so you take it for a test drive. Needs to be strict laws on protecting the citizens and their property be it digital or not.


What's the use of having freedom if someone is able to steal everything you work for?


I believe stealing should not be allowed under any circumstances which piracy is digital form of such.


To clarify imo;

Freedom = speech - religion or lack of per-say - equality no matter the sexuality, race, or gender of - right to fair trade - etc


I don't see stealing as a right or freedom?


I'd say the majority of internet users do pirate music, movies, games, software, book, even plagiarize articles and such but that does not make it right. If you do not own something and use it is stealing and that's all this bill is doing.


This bill is not to invade your privacy and check everything you say, websites you visit and read all your personal data. This bill is to simply stop a crime that's currently going on due to the ease of how digital goods are obtained.


Far as blocking websites it's not a invasion of freedom, if a store is selling knowingly stolen goods they are shut down and owners face charges and that's been the law. Websites that offer pirated goods are doing the exact same thing just in a different way.

Edited by YMCMB



There were studies that did show that the majority people who download music/movies etc. wouldn't be buying the cd/dvd in the first place and that the music/movie industry is effectivly not losing any money on that, but even earning some because some, if they are liking it, are going to buy the cd/dvd after listening to those "illegally".

Just like one person who get a free glas of wine in the market might take that and buy the wine afterwards but wouldn't have done that without the free sample.


There are already laws against copyright infringement, like the DMCA. Nobody said that there shouldn't be laws against it. But this law would basically mean to shut down youtube or any website that people might upload copyright protected media.


Btw, the whole steal a car analogy is quite far fetched. If you download a song/movie its still there the rightfull owner can still do anything with it what he likes to do. If you steal a car you physically take it from the rightfull owner.


Happy *in'

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  On 11/15/2011 at 4:51 PM, kami said:



There were studies that did show that the majority people who download music/movies etc. wouldn't be buying the cd/dvd in the first place and that the music/movie industry is effectivly not losing any money on that, but even earning some because some, if they are liking it, are going to buy the cd/dvd after listening to those "illegally".

Just like one person who get a free glas of wine in the market might take that and buy the wine afterwards but wouldn't have done that without the free sample.


There are already laws against copyright infringement, like the DMCA. Nobody said that there shouldn't be laws against it. But this law would basically mean to shut down youtube or any website that people might upload copyright protected media.


Btw, the whole steal a car analogy is quite far fetched. If you download a song/movie its still there the rightfull owner can still do anything with it what he likes to do. If you steal a car you physically take it from the rightfull owner.


Happy *in'


Some do yes but I know people who will download a album just to save the $10 and you'd be surprised how sales or media would rise if this passed. Also, the ones who would not buy it anyways does not make it right?


Would not be buying it?

There is 1,000's of items in the supermarket that I don't buy so I can start taking them as I walk out as I would not buy them anyways? Not to be rude I just don't understand that logic.


Youtube would not be at risk of shutdown as Google keeps track of accounts and the people who repeatedly break copyright laws and look at Vevo and the large number of official artist pages that have now surfaced and if this bill pass you will see more of such and YT will always be a video sharing site and people can still upload videos they own. I do like videos that people make with lyrics and pictures for songs that do not have a official video but I could live without them and we might even see more official work put out.


Digital goods have a rightful owner as well and I do see where you are coming from so let me put this way, rather the item is missed or not is still stealing. Lot's of people have 20k+ pirated songs in their library so there's the value of the car right there.


It's not uncommon to see someone with a 160GB ipod full of songs they did not buy.


I don't want to sound rude or negative towards others so I'll just stop here as I've said all my points and people will disagree on the issue as we all have a opinion on what's right or wrong.


This is dead on with the car analogy


^ ironically it is a YT vid but just linking to for example, lol

Edited by YMCMB
  On 11/15/2011 at 4:51 PM, kami said:

Btw, the whole steal a car analogy is quite far fetched. If you download a song/movie its still there the rightfull owner can still do anything with it what he likes to do. If you steal a car you physically take it from the rightfull owner.



I would download a car if I could ^^


Big difference between car and digital stuff (not talking about hardcopy cd/dvd) => one car can be sold as new: 1 time , digital stuff can be sold millions of time (just copy/paste operation)


+to be honest I download my music too, but the money I save there goes to merch (t-shirt, posters, flags,...) which I most of the time buy from the official website of the band (or the site to where they link) => I like having the official stuff ... and concerts (better see my favourite band live then listen to a CD I think...)


And I do buy cd but not from the mainstream artists (wtf 20euro for a CD :o are they nuts), for example I got every cd of Devildriver and a whole bunch of the metallica albums (not all I just buy them when I see one that is great priced (nothing more then 10 euro)...


First thing I do with cd => rip them to my pc (far more easier to have them on my pc), second thing put them in my stereo (has like places for 5 cd)


There ARE laws in place! Enforce them! Dont add more BS.


If you really believe all that stuff your saying Im sorry for you! I dont need Big Brother to protect something that is already protected. It makes no sense. It just costs me more for nothing not my fault that big business wants the goverment to do it for them So they dont have to make the public unhappy themselves. Heaven forbid they have to spend a dime.

Not my fault that others download things illegally, why should I pay for that? I already pay in higher cd/movie prices. Now they want to increase my taxes and service rates too? You want me to pay and my goverment to police the internet for the world, I call foul!


The same american companies that release cds/movies in the US Release them in other countries and vice versa. Do we protect the rights for companies in other countries? Who pays for that???


I dont want the US to turn into china where the goverment controls everything. Controls what they see, lookup or think about (dont see that working out for the chinese much either latly).


So the law passes, suddenly America and only America, shuts down ANY site IN America that has copywrited material on it, Until and before they can prove that they have a right to diseminate it. It would still be available to the rest of the world. Because most of the sites arent even in America. So now my cable or ISP bill doubles or even triples in cost (they have to buy the programs to block the stuff or hire someone to make it) That costs me the person that may not be doing anything wrong. Where's the justice in that. so now we have the goverment raising my taxes to police the bill, my cable company or ISP tripling my bill to pay for it and in the end its pointless anyways. Basically that puts someone on low income like myself who may not do anything wrong at all off the internet and without tv (cable).


So now big business without costing them anything at all (it gets passed to the consumer) make great big bucks. why? They dont have to fight in court to put Americans that would have d/l'd a mp3 or a movie in prison. Because Im paying to fund this law that Takes the rights of Lawful Americans to have some kind of entertainment in their lives at a reasonable price. No more playing online, so I wouldnt save nickels and dimes to pay for a new game or make a donation to FA because the people that are on disability or low income cannot afford to be online anyway.


For every action a reaction. Pass a law, increase the price of something.

Again why screw over the guy that didnt do anything wrong. especially to protect something that is already protected? (just big business pushing for more regulation so they can make more money)


Think I started to ramble. If I haven't explained it well enough take an economics class

  On 11/16/2011 at 5:37 PM, DrJoske said:

dam those signs are rising fast :o


*signed* btw ^^


Yep - they seem to be getting a signature every 1-2 seconds :)

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