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Ok. Camping is allowed. It irritates some but, what can ya do? Well, personally I like them, and perhaps I should not be revealing this as it exposes an advantage I tend to use constantly: Nearly without fail, once a camper kills you they remain in the same place they just killed you from, assuming, of course, they have not already been killed by the time you re-spawn. Anyway, my tendency is, once I re-spawn I go right back to where they are and kill them right back. For some reason, they don't understand that a good player, knowing this, is going to go right back there and take their brakes off of 'em. I like to do so with a knife personally! :DNot much of a topic, I know, but I simply had to mention this. So, next time a camper irritates you try to keep in mind that what they are really doing is handing you their butt on a platter. Happy Gaming F|Amily and F|Ans!

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I had to drop that 'go back' technique a while ago, when I sometimes played with approximately 3 persons. That guy always killed me, and then left a claymore for me :P With 20 people online, campers generally think they can get a few more kills from the same spot. Only people good with claymores come away with that nowadays


Anyway, I usually say "camping is allowed, complaining isn't". Either they accept it (95%), or they start insulting admins (5%). Last one will eventually 'leave' the server.

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Keep trying ... that's how some of us campers kill you 2 or 3 times in a row :D ... fire's HOT! OW ! hey what's this OW! it's Hot ! hey what's this ... some people don't learn from mistakes and keep coming back for more ;):rolleyes:

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Keep trying ... that's how some of us campers kill you 2 or 3 times in a row :D ... fire's HOT! OW ! hey what's this OW! it's Hot ! hey what's this ... some people don't learn from mistakes and keep coming back for more ;):rolleyes:


Ha! But I find I have a really effective fire extinguisher! But, well said Brother!

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Personally I don't like camping but it don't bother me if others like to do it... at least they'll become an easy target :yahoo


lol China map maybe little camping inside a building can be useful :lol:

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Personally I don't like camping but it don't bother me if others like to do it... at least they'll become an easy target :yahoo


lol China map maybe little camping inside a building can be useful :lol:


Precisely. And UR right about China Map. It can help!

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Yeah, I've ticked off the odd person by camping (especially in Chinatown). Sometimes expecting the person to come back to get me works (I cover the entrance so when I see them I can try to pop 'em), but as I've got a fairly low skill level still, I still get smoked more often than not. I'm not doing it to annoy anyone... it's simply the way I prefer to play. I get shot waaaay more often running from location to location.

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Yeah, I've ticked off the odd person by camping (especially in Chinatown). Sometimes expecting the person to come back to get me works (I cover the entrance so when I see them I can try to pop 'em), but as I've got a fairly low skill level still, I still get smoked more often than not. I'm not doing it to annoy anyone... it's simply the way I prefer to play. I get shot waaaay more often running from location to location.


Good way to show me the topic from your eyes. Well done. And give yourself more credit that you do. I've played as both a team mate and as an opponent with you. You play well. Learn the "run from spot to spot" way of engaging. Defense merely defends, hoping to out-gun the opponent. But, it is the OFFENSIVE that earns the kills and wins the map. Practice at it, because it is the players that engage in this manner that have the highest kill ratio and over all success in COD 4, MW.


You play well none-the-less and well said.


Frag yer tail later!

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I camp. and well. deal with it :P


Damn right he does!


I try and move just enough that I can nail the guy coming for revenge. I have about a 50% sucess rate camping. China and crossfire are great campsites. KOA should look into these two.

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i found that being a rusher, gets you more deaths than camping, but it also gets you way more kills :) but i can camp too if i get bored of SMG's xD

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