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Hey Everyone! My Name Is Modest Mulenga. I Live in London England, but originally from Zambia in Southern Africa, Nice to meet all of you.

Ive played Wolfenstein ET for a while Since like, 2006. I absolutely love it till this day. Ive been away from the game for a while (about a year) and now ive been playing it relentlessly for the past weeks, so I thought the next step is to get involved in a community. Ive been invovled in some (now non-existant)clans like ETXtreme and IFC and I had sooo much fun on them. I hope I will have even more fun here too. plus I want a nice healthy little Ingame rivalry going on with some community friends.(My hometown friends are being deadbeats these days T.T). Wolfenstein ET is the only game(alongside Pokemon DS and Super-Smash Bros Melee) that seems to challenge me competitively at the moment so I wanna meet people who feel the same way. Makes me get better at the game and my friends too.

Plus I really wanna SCRIM one day. That would be OOHHSUUUMM!!


Soo yeah... in a nutshell Whats up guys?

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