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Ch11m33y aka. ChiLLy<3

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ugh figures all the dumb people would be in the same f***ing country at the same time >.<


Please don't compare all of us to these idiots D:

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ugh figures all the dumb people would be in the same f***ing country at the same time >.<


Please don't compare all of us to these idiots D:


I know, I was watching this and thought "They must've only edited the stupid people into the video"

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So very sad :( Unfortunately, this is about on par with the idiots we churn out these days. Its not that we are any more or less stupid than anyone else, its just that we show ours with so much pride.

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ok so i got a few logical answers for this and if it makes anyone mad i might be sorry. the mexican dude about the triangle is to tough for him if u asked him something about construction or concrete I would like to bet money he would get any ? right. the old man about the world wars is just has old timmers. the black dude about the KFC doesnt care i bet he like popeyes. but i like the classic american answer from this guy on what to do with the middle east. "We make a big blast crater out of the f***ing middle east for all i care." i bet he lives in a trailer park

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ugh figures all the dumb people would be in the same f***ing country at the same time >.<


Please don't compare all of us to these idiots D:


I agree completely. PLEASE Don't think all Americans are that stupid. The Americans here who are NOT stupid, wish those stupid people would go away. (To put it very nicely)


Unfortunately, manufacturers put warning labels on EVERYTHING, so we're keep these stupid people alive... For what reason, I don't know. Other than entertainment, they serve no other purpose.


Does somebody REALLY need to be warned not to stick any of their body parts into a lawnmower discharge chute spinning at 3500 RPMs?

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