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where did everybody go ?


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I was suprised this morning 1000 hrs, signed on to HC NOMARTY MIX and to my surprize there was no one there, oh well gave me an excuse to come over to the Forums and post this little ditty. :crazy

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sometimes in the morning it will die off just wait a few mins and dont worrie they will fill it back up fast. As for me still no internet at the house been having some family issuse that need to be addressed before I worrie about gaming. Just dont give up on my guys cause I aint done yet.

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Allow grenade launchers and you will see more players.


Keep removing more perks and by the time you will keep losing players.


/Moved to COD4 section.

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it's just empty because most of players are usa and they need sleep or sex to next to gaming


just wait a hour , soon the zombie's will be back :)

Wake up in the morning, feelin like! Going back to sleep.

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Where is everyone. Everytime I refresh my list for the cod4 server, f/a is missing

You should just input the server IP #'s in and save the =F|A= servers to your FAVORITE'S so you don't have to refresh the list all the time ? ;)

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