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Foreign language rules commands


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As is my understanding (at least on the HC server) we have 3 rules commands for each non-english language. I ask: Why is this? We could easily have 1 command for each non-english language that shows what the 3 currently show. This would ease up confusion for both admin and players. Also 1/3 the typing.

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and seeing as there is STILL some mix up with the commands....


so something like !rulesP for rules in polish and it will show all 3 polish main rules...

or !rulesG for german

I recommend Finnish as well as I see more players and cant talk to them.



also... I have been told that Google translate is gibberish....

Can we get clan members from Poland, Germany, France and Finnland to please translate the following.....


No Last Stand

No Grenade launchers

No Marty




great idea Bene

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U mention the word 'mute' and suddenly they understand english....trust me guys....it aint hard...


....don't think we can mute in COD4, would be a nice command to have though.

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As is my understanding (at least on the HC server) we have 3 rules commands for each non-english language. I ask: Why is this? We could easily have 1 command for each non-english language that shows what the 3 currently show. This would ease up confusion for both admin and players. Also 1/3 the typing.


+1 Thats a great idea. As mentioned, it would save a lot of confusion.

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U mention the word 'mute' and suddenly they understand english....trust me guys....it aint hard...


you are 100% correct... if this was ET but its COD... you mention MUTE and they laugh harder my bad Thoracic already mentioned it


Aucun Dernier Debout = No Last Stand

Aucun de lanceur grenade = No Grenade Laucher

Pas de martyre = No Martydom


There's the French at the best I could do :) Hope they help




I trust you.. and my French is TERRIBLE.... but If I can get some one to VERIFY then I think we are golden with the french rules

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Aucun Dernier Debout = No Last Stand

Aucun de lanceur grenade = No Grenade Laucher

Pas de martyre = No Martydom


There's the French at the best I could do :) Hope they help




Lol Ash, almost!


But, it would be more like ;


Pas De Baroud D'honneur = Last stand

Pas De Lance Grenade = Grenade launcher

Pas De Martyre = Martyrdom



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Lol Ash, almost!


But, it would be more like ;


Pas De Baroud D'honneur = Last stand

Pas De Lance Grenade = Grenade launcher

Pas De Martyre = Martyrdom




I agree with LAST stand and marty seems ok... can I get a third opinion on grenade launcher

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wait... French Canadian? or France French...?


French Canadian, but that has nothing to do with the perks name. I've had my game on the French version before.


Lol, you silly person.

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yes having the rules set up as one like that would help dramatically. drives me nuts having to look in !fun just to find the rules in another language then guessing which one is which

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