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Ignoring Md5tool queries


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This is really annoying. Keep getting kicked from FA hardcore because of it. PB spams my console with "O/S EXCEPTION NOTICE" and then kicks me about 5 minutes later for either ignoring md5tool queries. Before that it was kicking me for violation #9006 (started doing this after my power went out while playing) but i fixed that with /net_restart.


I've googled the problem, tried just about everything and still hasn't worked yet. HALP

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get over it


Warning issued. You've been warned about your b/s posts on people's support threads yet you persist.


Sorry about that Razz.


I'm no expert so I google'd and the only possible help I found is in this forum archive: http://forums.ogn.com.au/archive/index.php/t-57239.html


Hope it can be of help (some useful links there apparently).


Hopefully you'll get some more helpful responses though :)



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Warning issued. You've been warned about your b/s posts on people's support threads yet you persist.

lol? it was a joke bro, he is a friend of mine


I guess I should've just included a link to google in my post instead huh, that way I could appear to be not entirely useless and maybe even achieve some brownie points with the leaders!

Edited by ohurcool
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Like Chuckun, I suck with this stuff...


Another google result that also looks promising is here: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3668

It's regarding SoF 2, but since it's a PB issue I thought perhaps it could still help.


Good luck getting your ET running soon :)


EDIT: Great info here as well: http://www.anticheatinc.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30139


And here: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8031


And one of the best places for info: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/3887-punkbuster-client-os-exception-notice/

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Disable firewall and anti virus and do clean install of PB and PB services as an admin.


Should take care of it.

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lol? it was a joke bro, he is a friend of mine


I guess I should've just included a link to google in my post instead huh, that way I could appear to be not entirely useless and maybe even achieve some brownie points with the leaders!

just because you lvl 5 journeyman not means you to bully lvl 3 novice ok?

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Disable firewall and anti virus and do clean install of PB and PB services as an admin.


Should take care of it.


Thanks that fixed it.

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