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Toggle to quit enemy territory




bind j "vstr quit"

seta quit "vstr qui1"

seta qui1 "vsay bye ^0Bye; set quit vstr qui2"

seta qui2 "quit; set quit vstr qui1"

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I'm confused, why would this need to be a toggle and not just a straight bind?


I must be missing something...been forever since I wrote cfgs, so I must be missing a detail here...

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I'm confused, why would this need to be a toggle and not just a straight bind?


I must be missing something...been forever since I wrote cfgs, so I must be missing a detail here...


Nope, you're right.. No need for the toggle..


Well, this isn't a toggle since there's no two-part keypress (q = vstr1, then q = vstr2, etc) involved..


bind Q "say Bye all! <3; quit;"


And if you insist on using vstrings for capital letter reasons, then simply:

bind Q "vstr byetext; quit";

seta vstr byetext "BYEEEEEEE <3"


And on a side note, there's no point in setting the 'toggle' back to the previous vstring because when you re-open ET, it will load your cfg, which means it loads the default vstring for the bind anyway.. :)

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Well, lets see.

If you press j once you get ""vsay bye ^0Bye""

if you press j another time you get "quit"

That is not a toggle?


Yeah, you can do it the ragequit style too, like chuckun proposed. Which would be the equivalent of screaming bye and running out of the room. Though Leonies "not-toggle" would allow the other players to say goodbye to you too.


Happy *in'

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Well, lets see.

If you press j once you get ""vsay bye ^0Bye""

if you press j another time you get "quit"

That is not a toggle?


Yeah, you can do it the ragequit style too, like chuckun proposed. Which would be the equivalent of screaming bye and running out of the room. Though Leonies "not-toggle" would allow the other players to say goodbye to you too.


Happy *in'


Hmm, my bad.. But I still don't see the point in it personally xD if I'm expecting a response, I'll write a personal exit myself >_< Then /quit is simple xD

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