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I thought I should check out the forums as I have been playing on one of the CoD4 servers for a few weeks now. You have a great server, with a good group of regulars... which have been friendly (=F|A= members have been great) for the most part and good competition.


Recently I upgraded my computer and reinstalled CoD4 which has been a blast to play again. I noticed you also have an ET group, I used to play ET competitively roughly 5 years ago (I cannot remember the tag I used for the life of me, but I played under Deadmeat, Hypnotic and Token)... about the same time I picked up World of Warcraft. The only game in the last 5 years that I have played has been CoD4... I might have to get back into ET as well (if my wife doesn't kill me).




aka Token aka TokenCanuck

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Could your et tags might have been [usef] I think I remember playing with you a long time ago. Could be a different person but who knows.


anyways welcome


Roughly 5-6 years ago now, I played ET under {E} and another but I still cannot remember what it was. Never played under the tag [usef] though.


Figured I should add a bit more about myself... Just over a year ago now, my wife and I moved to Edmonton from Vancouver... We did this after we found out we were going to have a baby as all my wife's family lives here, and the cost to buy a house was reasonable (compared to the most expensive city to live in the country) it made a lot of sense. I was not planning on taking any of the parental leave as it seemed logical that my wife would take all of it... however, she got a job she could not refuse and I got to take the last 5 months of it... which is why I am only on sporadically. Who knew babies would take up so much time, j/k, hehe.


I am finding a lot of my free time has been spent playing on the HC No Marty Mix server and its been a blast.

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