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so i was in game with daredevil today and i had 900 ping and i didnt know why and he said it was my internet so i loaded my default cfg and i had no lag then i loaded mine back and got 900 ping again.

Could someone please tell me whats wrong with my cfg to make me lag:


My cfg:

name "^P+^WGoD^P+^WproNe^P+


bind - "class f 1;play sound/chat/axis/64a;say_team ^D>> ^QF^Xi^Se^Yl^Qd ^XO^Sp^Yp^Qs^X!"

bind 0 "class e 2;play sound/chat/axis/63a;say_team ^D>> ^QR^Xi^Sf^Yl^Qe^X!"

bind 8 "class m 1;play sound/chat/axis/62a;say_team ^D>> ^QM^Xe^Sd^Yi^Qc^X!"

bind 9 "class e 1;play sound/chat/axis/63a;say_team ^D>> ^QE^Xn^Sg^Yi^Qn^Xe^Se^Yr^Q!"

bind PGDN "class c 3;play sound/chat/axis/65a;say_team ^D>> ^QS^Xn^Si^Yp^Qe^Xr^S!"

bind INS "class s 4;play sound/chat/axis/61a;say_team ^D>> ^QP^Xa^Sn^Yz^Qa^X!"

bind PGUP "class c 2;play sound/chat/axis/65a;say_team ^D>> ^QF^XG^S4^Y2^Q!"

bind END "class c 1;play sound/chat/axis/65a;say_team ^D>> ^QS^Xt^Se^Yn^Q!"

bind = "class s 2;play sound/chat/axis/61a;say_team ^D>> ^QM^XG^S!"

bind HOME "class s 3;play sound/chat/axis/61a;say_team ^D>> ^QF^Xl^Sa^Ym^Qe ^XT^Sh^Yr^Qo^Xw^Se^Yr^Q!"

bind DEL "class s 5;play sound/chat/axis/61a;say_team ^D>> ^QM^Xo^Sr^Yt^Qa^Xr^S!"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind b "+zoom"

bind c "+movedown"

bind d "+moveright"

bind e "+leanright"

bind f "+activate"

bind g "+mapexpand"

bind l "openlimbomenu"

bind m "mvactivate"

bind q "+leanleft"

bind r "+reload"

bind s "+back"

bind t "messagemode"

bind u "messagemode3"

bind v "mp_quickmessage"

bind w "+forward"

bind x "+prone"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind space "+moveup;forcetapout"

bind z "kill;forcetapout"

bind mouse5 "+speed"

bind ALT "+stats"

bind TAB "+scores"

bind KP_ENTER "teammenu"

bind PAUSE "quit"

bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"

bind p "exec Autoexec.cfg"

bind SHIFT "+sprint"

bind f3 "ready; say_team ^3Ready!"

bind f4 "notready; say ^6NeedaSec:S"

bind f5 "readyteam"

bind f6 "stoprecord"

bind f7 "pause;"

bind f8 "unpause;"

bind MWHEELUP "seta cg_fov 90;seta cg_drawgun 0;seta cg_crosshairsize 40"

bind MWHEELDOWN "seta cg_fov 112;seta cg_drawgun 1;seta cg_crosshairsize 40"

bind 1 "weaponbank 1"

bind 2 "weaponbank 2; cg_autoreload 0"

bind 3 "weaponbank 3; cg_autoreload 0"

bind 4 "weaponbank 4"

bind 5 "weaponbank 5"

bind 6 "weaponbank 6"

bind 7 "weaponbank 7"

bind kp_plus "mp_fireteamadmin"

bind h "say ^0=^7]"

bind KP_ENTER "fireteam inviteall"

bind KP_downarrow "say ^0Vid^7_^0RESTART ^7; vid_restart"

bind i vsay move

bind j vsay hi

bind . "setspawnpt 1; spawn 1; echo ^1spwnt1"

bind , "setspawnpt 2; spawn 2; echo ^2spwnt2"

bind M "setspawnpt 3; Spawn 3; echo ^3spwnt3"

bind N "setspawnpt 4; Spawn 4; echo ^4spwnt4"

bind ENTER "setspawnpt 5; Spawn 5; echo ^5spwnt5"


bind "[" "team r 1 3 2 ;echo ^1Axis ;play sound/menu/filter"

bind "'" "team s ;echo ^2Spectator ;play sound/menu/filter"

bind "]" "team b 1 3 2 ;echo ^4Allies ;play sound/menu/filter"



set sprintfire1 "+sprint; +attack;seta sensitivity 2.10;"

set sprintfire2 "-sprint; -attack;seta sensitivity 3.00;"

bind mouse1 +vstr sprintfire1 sprintfire2


// Etpr0

seta r_mode 8

seta b_tracers 0

seta b_altHud 2

seta b_altHudFlags 7

seta b_antilag 1

seta b_backupcvars 0

seta b_chatAlpha 0

seta b_chatFlags 1

seta b_chatsounds 0

seta b_cmdwarnings 1

seta b_debuglocations 0

seta b_demo_autotimescale 1

seta b_demo_autotimescaleweapons 0

seta b_demo_dynamitecam 0

seta b_demo_dynamitecounter 0

seta b_demo_followxDistance 50

seta b_demo_followyDistance 0

seta b_demo_followzDistance 20

seta b_demo_freecamspeed 800

seta b_demo_grenadecam 0

seta b_demo_mortarcam 0

seta b_demo_nametags 0

seta b_demo_nopitch 1

seta b_demo_panzercam 0

seta b_demo_pitchturnspeed 140

seta b_demo_playersprites 1

seta b_demo_pvshint 0

seta b_demo_rollspeed 140

seta b_demo_teamonlymissilecam 0

seta b_demo_yawturnspeed 140

seta b_descriptiveTextscale 0.5

seta b_drawclock 1

seta b_drawfps 2

seta b_drawPromotions 1

seta b_drawranks 1

seta b_drawRewards 1

seta b_drawspectatoralpha 0

seta b_drawspectatorteamflags 1

seta b_drawspeed 0

seta b_fireteamAlpha 0.2

seta b_fireteamLatchedClass 1

seta b_goatsound 1

seta b_hitsounds 1

seta b_hudYoffset 0

seta b_lagometerAlpha 0.2

seta b_locationJustify 0

seta b_locationMaxChars 25

seta b_locationMode 0

seta b_logbanners 1

seta b_mapzoom 3

seta b_muzzleflash 0

seta cg_muzzleflash 0

seta b_noactivatelean 1

seta b_numPopups -1

seta b_optimizePrediction 1

seta b_panzerhack 1

seta b_popupFadeTime 0

seta b_popupStayTime 1500

seta b_popupTime 0

seta b_predefineddemokeys 1

seta b_shovesounds 1

seta b_simpleItems 1

seta b_smallPopups 1

seta b_speedinterval 100

seta b_speedunit 0

seta b_textcolorfilter ""

seta b_tjg_ghostfx 2

seta b_tjl_color green

seta b_tjl_draw 1

seta b_tjl_showmaxspeed 0

seta b_tjl_stepsize 0.5

seta b_tjl_stoponnomove 1

seta b_tracers 0

seta b_votetextscale 0.5

seta b_watermarkAlpha 0

seta b_weapaltReloads 1

seta r_drawfoliage 0

seta r_dynamiclight 0

seta r_fastsky 1

seta r_gamma 2.3

seta r_lodbias 0

seta r_mapoverbrightbits 3

seta r_picmip 0




// Game_Stats

seta cf_wstats 1.2

seta cf_wtopshots 1.0


// Client_Game

seta cg_noVoiceChats 0

seta cg_noVoiceText 0

seta cg_announcer 0

seta cg_muzzleflash 0

seta cg_atmosphericEffects 0

seta cg_autoaction 0

seta cg_autoactivate 1

seta cg_autoReload 0

seta cg_autoswitch 0

seta cg_blinktime 20

seta cg_bloodDamageBlend 0

seta cg_bloodFlash 0

seta cg_bloodTime 0

seta cg_bobpitch 0

seta cg_bobroll 0

seta cg_bobup 0

seta cg_bobyaw 0

seta cg_brassTime 0

seta cg_complaintPopUp 0

seta cg_coronafardist 0

seta cg_coronas 0

seta cg_crosshairAlpha 1.0

seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 1.0

seta cg_crosshairColor cyan

seta cg_crosshairColorAlt White

seta cg_crosshairHealth 1

seta cg_crosshairPulse 0

seta cg_crosshairSize 38

seta cg_crosshairX 0

seta cg_crosshairY 0

seta cg_cursorHints 1

seta cg_cycleAllWeaps 1

seta cg_descriptiveText 1

seta cg_draw2D 1

seta cg_drawBuddies 1

seta cg_drawCompass 1

seta cg_drawCrosshair 5

seta cg_drawCrosshairNames 1

seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups 1

seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay 1

seta cg_drawFPS 1

seta com_fps 125

seta cg_drawGun 1

seta cg_drawNotifyText 1

seta cg_drawReinforcementTime 1

seta cg_drawRoundTimer 1

seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons 1

seta cg_drawSnapshot 0

seta cg_drawSpreadScale 1

seta cg_drawStatus 1

seta cg_drawTeamOverlay 2

seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 2

seta cg_errordecay 100

seta cg_fastSolids 1

seta cg_gibs 0

seta cg_hudAlpha 2

seta cg_instanttapout 1

seta cg_lagometer 1

seta cg_marktime 0

seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch 1

seta cg_noTaunt 0

seta cg_popupLimboMenu 1

seta cg_predictItems 1

seta cg_printObjectiveInfo 1

seta cg_quickMessageAlt 1

seta cg_railTrailTime 400

seta cg_recording_statusline 9

seta cg_runpitch 0

seta cg_runroll 0

seta cg_shadows 0

seta cg_showblood 0

seta cg_specHelp 1

seta cg_stereoSeparation 0.4

seta cg_teamChatHeight 8

seta cg_teamChatsOnly 0

seta cg_teamChatTime 8000

seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG 1

seta cg_useWeapsForZoom 1

seta cg_viewsize 100

seta cg_voiceSpriteTime 6000

seta cg_weaponCycleDelay 150

seta cg_wolfparticles 0

seta cg_zoomDefaultBinoc 22.5

seta cg_zoomDefaultFG 55

seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper 20

seta cg_zoomDefaultSnooper 40

seta cg_zoomfov 22.5

seta cg_zoomStepBinoc 3

seta cg_zoomStepFG 10

seta cg_zoomStepSniper 2

seta cg_zoomStepSnooper 5

seta cg_gun_frame 0


// Client_Engine

seta cl_allowDownload 0

seta cl_anonymous 0

seta cl_autoupdate 0

seta cl_doubletapdelay 0

seta cl_freelook 1

seta cl_language 0

seta cl_maxpackets 100

seta cl_maxPing 800

seta cl_mouseAccel 0

seta cl_packetdup 1

seta cl_pitchspeed 0

seta cl_punkbuster 1

seta cl_run 1

seta cl_timeNudge 0

seta cl_wwwDownload 0

seta cl_yawspeed 0

seta in_joyBallScale 0.02

seta in_joystick 0

seta in_midi 0

seta in_midichannel 1

seta in_mididevice 0

seta in_midiport 1

seta in_mouse 1


// Mouse

seta m_filter 0

seta m_forward 0.25

seta m_pitch 0.016

seta m_side 0.25

seta m_yaw 0.022


// Net->Work?

seta net_noipx 0

seta net_noudp 0


// Sound

seta s_volume 0.5

seta s_musicvolume 0

seta s_doppler 1

seta s_khz 22

seta b_hitsounds 1

seta b_shovesounds 1

seta b_goatsound 1

seta cg_noVoiceChats 0

seta cg_announcer 1

seta s_mixahead 0.12

seta s_mixPreStep 0.08

bind "o" "vstr volup"

bind "KP_MINUS" "vstr voldown"

set vol00 "set s_volume 0.0;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol01; echo ^7vol^j. ^y0"

set vol01 "set s_volume 0.1;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol02;echo ^7vol^j. ^y10"

set vol02 "set s_volume 0.2;set voldown vstr vol01;set volup vstr vol03;echo ^7vol^j. ^y20"

set vol03 "set s_volume 0.3;set voldown vstr vol02;set volup vstr vol04;echo ^7vol^j. ^y30"

set vol04 "set s_volume 0.4;set voldown vstr vol03;set volup vstr vol05;echo ^7vol^j. ^y40"

set vol05 "set s_volume 0.5;set voldown vstr vol04;set volup vstr vol06;echo ^7vol^j. ^y50"

set vol06 "set s_volume 0.6;set voldown vstr vol05;set volup vstr vol07;echo ^7vol^j. ^y60"

set vol07 "set s_volume 0.7;set voldown vstr vol06;set volup vstr vol08;echo ^7vol^j. ^y70"

set vol08 "set s_volume 0.8;set voldown vstr vol07;set volup vstr vol09;echo ^7vol^j. ^y80"

set vol09 "set s_volume 0.9;set voldown vstr vol08;set volup vstr vol10;echo ^7vol^j. ^y90"

set vol10 "set s_volume 1.0;set voldown vstr vol09;set volup vstr vol10;echo ^7vol^j. ^y100"

set volup vstr vol05

set voldown vstr vol05


// Misc

seta cm_playerCurveClip 1

seta devdll 1

seta mv_sensitivity 20

seta pmove_fixed 1

seta pmove_msec 8

seta rate 25000

seta cl_maxpackets 100

seta scr_conspeed 999

seta sensitivity 3.00

seta snaps 20


// Arty FTW

set arty "+zoom; wait 1; +attack; wait 1; -attack; wait 1; -zoom; wait 1; weaponbank 3;echo ^1#Arty!;"

bind Mouse4 "vstr arty"


// Spawn Timer

bind leftarrow "set Spawntime vstr Spawntime_5; echo ^0> ^7Spawntime ^22o; vstr Spawntime ; timerset 20"

bind rightarrow "set Spawntime vstr Spawntime_5; echo ^0> ^7Spawntime ^23o; vstr Spawntime ; timerset 30"

bind uparrow "set Spawntime vstr Spawntime_5; echo ^0> ^7Spawntime ^225; vstr Spawntime ; timerset 25"


//SD Jump

bind , "vstr sdjump1"

bind . "vstr sdjump2"


set sdjump1 "com_maxfps 76; +movedown;wait 20; +back; wait 20; -back;-movedown; wait 20; +sprint; +forward; wait 5; +moveup; wait 5; -moveup; +movedown; wait 100; -movedown; -sprint; -forward;com_maxfps 125"

set sdjump2 "com_maxfps 100;+forward; +moveup; wait 2; -moveup; wait 70; -forward; wait 89; +sprint; +forward; wait 9; +moveup; wait 135; -moveup; -forward;-sprint;com_maxfps 125"





You share this cfg btwn Jay and Etpro? Why not only one for every mod and save it in every mod folder. Try to remove all those etpro cvars.

Did you try to use rate 32000?

Video card?


picmip 0?it has nothing to do with lag but it eats you alot of fps anyway.

Your rate is very low for jaymod,try 32000+ i suggest 50000.

I have no idea what thoseseta net_noipx 0

seta net_noudp 0


Anyway a cfg cant make such a huge difference on your ping,only if you block something with cvars that i missed or the two above?


Hmm well ill try those settings but my cfg is all of my lag, my ping jumps from 220 to 950 when i type /exec p.cfg


Hmm well ill try those settings but my cfg is all of my lag, my ping jumps from 220 to 950 when i type /exec p.cfg

lol wtf,i thought you had 900 ping all the time,what you say happens all the time to me lately on every server,so its my issue and not a big one.

If you still think its your cfg make another one.

  • Administrators

As I said on server, your internet is shit bro. No one can't do shit and no config can't do any shit.


Get better ISP.


Its my cfg.. I had normal ping for half an hour and as soon as i loaded my normal cfg it went shit 900's again, now tell me thats not the cfg.


It looks like you have a simple problem to me losing maxpackets and jitters all the time is a massive problem when online gaming and you will feel it in gaming because every time a maxpacket get lose it has to be sent again.I seen your winmtr results and they was awful just like mine.It is all coming from your isp.

I know how you feel all you what is to have lag free game but everyone will receive some lag at some time.I have seen a lot of people trying to help you but it looks like they can do nothing for you so best thing to do is get straight on the phone to your isp about those maxmackets issues.They will try and past the blame on some one else but am 99% sure its down to them.


post your pingtest http://www.pingtest.net/


willo issues Am on a 20mb and i get all of that in speedtest results but some where down the line maxpackets and jitters.My issue is 100% my isp :hmm



| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| bob.iad - 0 | 515 | 515 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 |

| nexthop.nsw.iinet.net.au - 0 | 515 | 515 | 7 | 9 | 54 | 8 |

| te1-1.syd-ult-bdr1.iinet.net.au - 0 | 515 | 515 | 7 | 10 | 178 | 8 |

| xe-1-1-0-0.syd-ult-core1.iinet.net.au - 0 | 515 | 515 | 7 | 12 | 81 | 8 |

| xe-2-1-2-0.syd-mas-core1.iinet.net.au - 0 | 515 | 515 | 7 | 15 | 100 | 9 |

| 34023.sydp06.cu.reach.com - 0 | 515 | 515 | 7 | 10 | 57 | 8 |

| i-0-0-2-0.paix-core01.bx.reach.com - 0 | 514 | 514 | 146 | 150 | 251 | 149 |

| i-1-2.paix01.bi.reach.com - 0 | 514 | 514 | 146 | 152 | 292 | 147 |

| comcast-peer.paix01.pr.reach.com - 0 | 514 | 514 | 148 | 162 | 240 | 166 |

|pos-0-12-0-0-cr01.denver.co.ibone.comcast.net - 1 | 510 | 509 | 194 | 208 | 338 | 201 |

|pos-0-12-0-0-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.net - 0 | 514 | 514 | 228 | 231 | 279 | 229 |

|pos-1-8-0-0-pe01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net - 0 | 515 | 515 | 227 | 230 | 337 | 229 |

| comcast02.chi.fdcservers.net - 7 | 390 | 363 | 376 | 413 | 605 | 405 |[/b]| . - 6 | 412 | 389 | 387 | 409 | 471 | 403 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider


Willo told me to ask what the underlined bar means


These winmtr look fine now beside the comcast 7% maxpackets.These look totally diffrent to the last ones you posted


Tried your cfg its fine for me.


Winmtr results ok


cfg results ok


I do not understand why your cfg changes to 900 ping because that never happened to me when i use it i seen it happen when i speced him went from 250 to 900 when he change to his cfg.


I hope you posted everything in that cfg


where are your render settings? you also have a lot of useless/dumb shit in your config.. lol @ supply tj scripts



You share this cfg btwn Jay and Etpro? Why not only one for every mod and save it in every mod folder. Try to remove all those etpro cvars.

no need to do this, nothing wrong with keeping them in 1 config


picmip 0?it has nothing to do with lag but it eats you alot of fps anyway.

not true, picmip doesn't affect fps in any way


Your rate is very low for jaymod,try 32000+ i suggest 50000.

pointless, rate 25000 is just fine for any mod

  • Clan Friend

I don't see anything in that config that could make your ping go up.

Are you sure it's not placebo?


Try to change only these settings one by one, without touching anything else:

cl_maxpackets (try 30 and 100)

cl_packetdup try 0 and 1


I remember there was once a player whose inet couldn't handle 100 maxpackets... other than that I have no idea

  • Administrators

pointless, rate 25000 is just fine for any mod



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