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self contradiction? :mellow:

I said: If you decide add vsay's


I'm totally agree with Blade.

If you add some vsay's depending your level some regular will start to ask about them, better keep the EtPub from ever.


If I might add. Other than simply converting the ETPub Server to Silent Mod wouldn't it be a lot fairer to the ETPub community if we got other opinions from the server regulars themselves. If the change was to occur and people disliked the changes made would we revert back to ETPub straight away? or keep it in place until people just accept it and deal with it? I've heard people complain about the server itself, but never the mod so why should the change occur if no one has complained about the bugs or issues. Yes, it is good to go and fix the issues that are behind the scenes that we as players may not see, but that isn't the point. The point is changing the game experience for us and how we enjoy the game on this server. As a whole, change in many ways isn't accepted well due to what dare previously stated. I'm not saying the change wouldn't benefit the server if it would fix bugs or issues, but I've had a little experience with the mod and I'm not sure how people would react to it. I don't see a reason to change it if we already have another ETPub server available? Why not just advertise that server as "Silent Mod Server" like you had done with the Nitmod. In other words, Why change something when people are already happy and satisfied with what they already have?


I've been testing the past 2 versions of Silentmod and making suggestions here and there. Just from my experience I've come to these conclusions.


1. Hitboxes are great. They are as tight as ETpub if not better.


2. Besides the new gun, tripmines and admin side stuff. You wouldn't' notice any difference from ETpub besides the logo. Most reg players would just think it's ETpub with new weapons.


2. It seems more optimized than standard etpub to me. Could be my imagination though, but there it feels like there's less mod lag than ETpub, which is saying alot since I really enjoy ETpub.


3. Trip mines are good in a few maps, but take too long to plant and are easy to disarm. If you know how to use them they are deadly effective.


4. You need a soundpack for the mod since it doesn't include anything in the way of default hitsounds, sprees, etc. This gives admins the chance to add their own hitsounds like keeping the mod size to a minimum. Not the best option for nub admins that don't know how to make a soundpack but good for those who do.


5. PPSH is to powerful by defaul IMO, but that's also a changeable cvar.


7. The new admin commands in terms of getting player info are awesome.



Version 0.2.1


* Added: !usersearch shrubbot command. This command can search user database for name, level and ip address.

* Added: Breath bar when underwater. +1

* Added: Backward following in spec mode.

* Added: Following Fire Team members in spec in regard to followFT client cvar. +1, Thanks Ginger for this request.

* Added: Muted player indicator in scoreboard. +1

* Added: New placeholder '?' to custom commands. When this is given with numerical placeholder, the parameter is then seen as partial name and will be replaced with the real player name if only one name matches the pattern. +1

* Added: The vote menu during intermission displays the top 3 vote winning maps with colors.

* Added: Muted players can't send private messages or chat in adminchat. +1, Should've been done long ago in other mods

* Reworked: Shortcuts. Fixes a bug in them and gives better performance. +1 Nice!

* Reworked: Knife throw headshot. Thrown knife triggers now a headshot sound when hitting to the opponent's head. +1 NQ style

* Reworked: Grenades can't be thrown underwater from now on. -1

* Reworked: Forcecvar. Players can't lag out forcecvar commands anymore.

* Reworked: Icons shown over player's head - now possible multiple icons.

* Fixed: Center print priorities. The previous kill no longer blocks the health info.

* Fixed: Tripmines energy cost bug (charge time). Now it behaves the same way as for landmines.

* Fixed: Tripmine arming bug which allowed to exceed team tripmines limit.

* Fixed: Knives can be thrown underwater (bug #20).

* Fixed: Defect #16: knives bounce off enemies.

* Fixed: The client side shrubbot commands now work also in console. +1 Thanks!

* Fixed: Intermission chat can now handle extended ASCII and also commands in the same way as other chats.

* Removed: G_tactics.


Another thing most people who haven't been using/testing this mod don't realize is the rate at which updates are being done. Alot of things are being fixed at a pretty rapid pace and each version I've tested has been getting substantially better.


If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend spending some time on the mod and giving it an honest assessment. If you have recommendations then post them @ http://mygamingtalk.com. Ginger and myself as well as a few others have and they were quickly implemented in the this 0.2.1 release.

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I've heard people complain about the server itself, but never the mod so why should the change occur if no one has complained about the bugs or issues.


Server itself = Either lag complain or FPS complain.

Reason: 1. Bad network ( After server move to NY it's totally fixed)

2. Machine Hardware - Was never an issue. Plenty of resources.

3. Mod Errors - Every mod has errors but we tried to remove all we can and we will still improve it more in long run. Hence silent mod.


Yes, it is good to go and fix the issues that are behind the scenes that we as players may not see, but that isn't the point. The point is changing the game experience for us and how we enjoy the game on this server. As a whole, change in many ways isn't accepted well due to what dare previously stated. There are too many bug fixes up till now. I will explain in plain terms with simple excel sheet attached to this topic.


Too many reasons. Please attached excel sheet. It contains just a part of what is fixed and added.


I'm not saying the change wouldn't benefit the server if it would fix bugs or issues, but I've had a little experience with the mod and I'm not sure how people would react to it. I don't see a reason to change it if we already have another ETPub server available? Why not just advertise that server as "Silent Mod Server" like you had done with the Nitmod. In other words, Why change something when people are already happy and satisfied with what they already have?


Why you buy new PC after 2 years? You are already happy with it right now? Why Apple releases new iPhone? Why Intel releases new CPU ? You can do most of your work with decent Quad core but still why core i7?


There where many key features that where missing in Etpub. We covered almost 90% of it in silent mod.


Some humans are always reluctant to changes. I had received few complains when I updated Etpub from 8.1 to 9.1. In no way or shape you will be able to satisfy all.


The main reason for me, Gao and Silencer to start new mod was provide mod which satisfies all basic features which admin need to moderate there servers effectively and at the same time optimize the core code to provide better FPS and smooth environment.


Please see attached excel sheet. It explains in plain English.



More or less, we have some good road plan for up coming new versions.

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