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Heya guys,


Me and a lot of other ppls do not like the current map rotation in F|A Recruiting server so i am going to request some other maps for Fueldump, Oasis & Helms deep


fueldump : lags hard

oasis : It sucks because of camping all the time - Rifle, Mortars, MG's and so on near to impossible to end this map

Helms deep : like 10 min to get first checkpoint if teams are even and if first checkpoint is reached the map is over in like 5 min


so I post a few maps to select for an new rotation


Minas tirith ( 60 min )

Hydro dam


ET Ice

Tank race like in past ..



I hope leaders will put new maps in rotation


greets, Pro*valor

  • Administrators

1. Tank Race is doable only it will lag some old PC users. So, I am fairly expecting lag complaints for that map.


2. Rommel is doable.


3. ET ice = No.


4. Hotchkiss was there in past. People voted it out in 2 weeks.


No matter what maps you add people like to whine. People will whine for every map but map which gets less whine we keep that map. :(


Ok :P


Well there are alot of other maps wich could be added to the current rotation but the current isnt that good

  • Administrators

Ok :P


Well there are alot of other maps wich could be added to the current rotation but the current isnt that good


Name it honey and we can look into it :)


hay Dare how about the map u post about ? Rockeyes


i will search for some maps today and if i find smtg good i will post it on maps Topic

  • Administrators

People whined it on Jay2 to death. Finally got tired any removed it.


Tell me more map name and I will tell that map whine ratio.

  • Administrators

snatch 3 Too Small map with only 2 way and attacking team can be spawn raped with 2 MG's only.

transmitter, Will think for it. bump the old topic and ask for user reviews

tramfight, http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/topic/7633-tramfight-beta2/page__p__80422__hl__tramfight__fromsearch__1#entry80422

saberpeak, Lag whine

v2 base, Too small map. Good for team stacking so no.

reactor. Is that map with green thing? Then no.

Some of those maps could be great :P


Next maps!!



Launch Facility


Capture the Gold


Battle of Wolken




Kai Im gonna slap you for mentioning cortex. The funniest thing is all the nabs who cried about Minas Tirith(which I love) being a bad map are now bawling to have it back make up your e-minds people if you cant think straight add another gig of memory to your head.



Helms Deep sucks big time

fuel dump can either be really good or sucky depending on who your team mates are.

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