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This is not a post to trash other cultures or anything negative towards anyone, it is to post your memory of that day, how it affected your life, and what you were doing the day of the horrible attack on the US WTC!!



With 9-11 tomorrow, I would just like to post in memory of all the brave men and women, as well as the unsuspecting men and women, and all the families that were affected the day of September 11, 2001.



On the morning of Sep. 11 I was 11yrs old waking up getting ready for school. Watching the weather to find out the day ahead, I live on the west coast so at 6am my time the first tower was already hit. My mother was

explaining to me what they were and why this was a devastation to everyone. just 2 min into the conversation live footage showed the second tower being hit. At that time I too was scared wondering if I was in any danger.

My uncle lived just 5 miles from the towers. I was on the phone with him when he stated that 10 min before the first tower hit he was in the lobby of the north tower dropping his buddy off for work, told him that he would

meet him for lunch and drove away. On his way home he saw the tower get hit close to where his friend worked. Needless to say he'll be waiting for that lunch with his buddy forever. This was a horrible time for the US.

To this day, tears come when this date falls, its saddening but all we can do is remember!!




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I was in fourth grade.. a bunch of kids were being picked up from school by their parents. A lot of them were crying. My mom came to pick me up, and she was in tears as well. I didn't really understand what was going on, and all she would tell me is that "something terrible has happened."


Here's a really good short film on YouTube showing one person's account (it's a year old I think):


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Vladi was one of our good friends he helped us get all our papers in order when we came to Canada of course that was back in 1995. As fate would have it he was on the 106th floor of the North tower on September 11th. My thoughts and prayers go to his and all families that lost someone dear on that day.

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I was 15 and a sophomore, getting ready for school and noticing on the news that the WTC was on fire. Thought nothing of it, went to school. After 2nd period, about when the news was announcing it was no mere fire, I watched it all unfold in every class for the rest of the day...


Praise the fallen...

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when i heard about it i thought this must be a bad joke. so we stopped work to get the latest news on tv. just open mouth and nobody said something for 20mins. only....what?shit?omg!? i was shocked and thought this could be a reason for a next war.

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I remember that day like it was yesterday, we were having lunch and dad turned on TV and there was something about that on CNN and mom got scared for her sister which lives actually in CHICAGO but she messed it up a bit and thought that she lives in NYC hahahaah

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On 9/11 I was in jr high school. In my health class lol. Went home. that was about it.


Seen a BUNCH of F-16's fly over head tho, during that flight were the passengers took down the plane from terrorists in the PA field.. I was in OHIO at that time :mad


But me doing some time in the U.S. Army before messing my knee up and getting an EPTS Medical discharge for my back. I will stand up and salute any of our women and men that are currently over sea's. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! :excl::excl::excl:

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I was at work sitting at my desk staring at a computer.


A coworker named Denny came in and said "Someone flew into a building in New York."


"Stupid pilot" I thought. and kept working.


Twenty minutes later, he peeks back in my office and says "You need to come out here and listen to the radio."


So I came out and stood by the radio with Denny (45 year old guy) and listened to the news. When they said a second plane had hit the other tower, I looked at Denny and said "We're being attacked!" and Denny shook his head up and down.


At that moment the world changed. We were at war.


I gave blood later that day, they were having a blood drive at work (previously scheduled). There was a lot of people giving blood. But it wasn't needed.


We thought tens of thousands must have died, nobody knew how bad it was or who did it.


"You thought America would remain passive. You thought wrong." - Ronald Reagan to Libya.

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Damn CSL, thats heavy, glad you made it out.


Well i was 12 when it happend and i remember quite well.

I came home from school that day and everything was fine, and i was talking to my mom and she said to me she wasn't feeling to well.

She told me she feld like something terrible was to happen that day.

And around 4 pm that day there was a special news break telling us the first plane had hit the WTC.


It was really scary and i still get ghoosebumps on my arms when i think about it.



Btw i live in the netherlands

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