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Who is trading what and what platform?


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I luckily got into that situation where I could acquire some spare money. The bad part in this part of my life was that it happend right at the time when the inflation decided to snort some cocaine and could beat Mike Tyson in their prime (check Hungary inflation recently), so I had to make a decision what to do with my very little spare money that I want to put aside to situations when Im in trouble or if Im lucky enough to let this money become part of my pension. I decided that the stock market is a good place to do this. I was thinking about government bonds, but I wasnt very convinced looking at the governemnt of Hungary... but I will not go into details about that

So I found Tastyworks, where I can buy ETFs. I decided to mainly buy ETFs that are based on SP500. Since I find it very unlikely that the entire economy of USA will default soon without warning without any way to revert it, and that historically it gives on average a return of 10% per year I decided to purchase some of these kinds of ETFs. The majority of this happend on 2023 feb 21.

Altogether I bought some shares and my current "profit" stands at 18% as of today, but this can change rather suddenly

I strongly believe that I shouldnt start day trading unless something huge happens. My friend who has been trading in shares for 20-30 years has a lot of experience and he seems very confident it is not possible to beat the market with daily trades

So unless I see something very unexpected to happen, Id just keep my shares on long term, and when I have some extra cash, buy new shares to increase this exchequer of mine until I have no other option but to use this

Although if things go very good moneywise, I have some other plans, but thats in the future that will decide about it, while I go with the flow.


I have also bought some crypto coins. But I planned to buy no more than 5% of my maximum investment. Last time I checked I had about 30% "profit" on that, when I bought it in around 2022 dec 20.

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