About This File
*********************MAP DESCRIPTION***********************************
A small secluded beach resort proved to be the ideal place for the axis
to establish a secret docking station for their u-boats. Surrounded by
very tall cliffs, the small Saberpeak gulf is well hidden from prying
eyes and unwelcome visitors.
A small group of allied forces were sent on a mission along the coast
to find the secret base and destroy any u-boats in its hangar. This will
prove quite difficult since the axis have heavily fortified the resort
turning it into an impenetrable fortress. To make things even worse an
ammo shipment sent to supply the allies assault boat was intercepted by
the axis leaving the allies severely weakened.
The map has a lot of open spaces and it was meant to be played with a
large number of players. Personally I recommend a minimum of 15 and a
maximum of whatever your server can handle before it goes up in flames.
That being said however, it's up to you.
1)Escort the assault boat to the old dock.
2)Steal the ammo from the truck and load it onto the boat.
3)Escort the boat to the resort gates and use the boat cannons to destroy the entrance.
4)Destroy the submarine.
1)Destroy the side wall
2)Construct the command post
1)Don't let the allies steal the ammo.
2)Stop the boat from destroying the resort gates.
3)Protect the submarine.
4)Construct the command post.
**************************KNOWN ISSUES*********************************
1) There is a small bug where if the boat gets damaged while it is
destroying the boulder blocking the side path and an allied player is
on the boat during this time, the boat will not be repairable even though
it is damaged. To fix this bug the allied players have to get off the boat
until the boat becomes repairable (which should take about 1 or 2 seconds).
2) Because the map is so big there are certain limitations imposed by the
game. These have to do with the maximum distance a projectile can travel
which is 8192 game units. Although this distance is very large, there are
certain points in the map where you can see this far (and probably more)
which means that if you shoot at a player further than 8192 units your
bullets simply wont reach. This restriction doesn't apply to scoped weapons.
Edited by papywolf
no waypoint files