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LuCkY*13 joined the club
Darksky joined the club
4estw1zzard joined the club
ya must of us just don't have the pc to run rust like me i can play with must setting on low and getting a stable 52 to 60 fps but it take me about a good 15 to 20 mins just to load into a server and that if the game does not crash lol
Just realized all the posts in here are a year old lol.
I have the game, have my own server. If any of you want to play on it you're more than welcome. PhelanLOL East Coast
Malaber joined the club
i dont have many hours in Rust, and only played with my (lil)bro, really enjoy the game and i guess i am a pretty solid builder. joined the group.
KorsaKoff joined the club
Welcome to the club !
look like i am gonna join the club
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Grizzlyoldman joined the club
Soon, i need to make the different groups and power
GJ guys. When can I connect to it?
Welcome to the club @Carbonautics haha 😂
I used to play this, all i know is I hit trees, get a map, get Blueprints, and build home with wood, and keep farming and die while farming from a OP clan camping somewhere looking to raid an innocent guy and talk shit on him. That's my experience so far xD. I just love it. (also I play with 25-30fps so not a lot of battle help from my side )
ya bro i know i played on the worse type pc you can name with 15 to 10 fps must of the time i have a monster pc now with 16 gb but i don't have a SSD i'm too damn poor to buy 1 but it's one of the big reason i don't play rust a lot the load time is a real killer having to sit here for 30 to 15 mints to load in to a good server just to watch it die it's just not worth it and for god knows why my pc really really hates rust it freeze on me
Kiba, it's pretty common that it takes forever to connect in Rust. My bro has decent pc, yet it takes quite a long time to connect. Once you are in, you are good to go and no more long waitings (unless you want to wait night :P)
i have the game but it take forever to join a server so i don't really play
I'm just regular nobody who doesn't know anything from anything. I know something about Rust but playing alone is kinda boring. Looking forward for playing with someone.
Eireannanl joined the club
I'm a builder / farmer that like to make electric traps 😋 Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/scarface0600/ Discord : https://discordapp.com/users/226715707017134080
i'm a builder not very good at fighting raiding on the other hand i'm good at that to i played more the pve raiding servers
*Kiba* joined the club
Welcome to the Fearless-Assassins Rust Club ! What is Rust ? Rust is a multiplayer survival game released in 2013 and published in February 2018. Spawn with nothing, get resources, survive(eat, drink, hunt, plant), learn (blueprints) and build incredible things ! More of the main game, on Rust, there is many possibilities to mod the game as zombie mod for example ! I play RUST and whant to play with other members If you play RUST and want it to be known, fell free to join this club and, why not, comment this post by posting your steam informations (profile name, profile link) and Discord profile. Into our Discord Server, we also have a role "rust" which can be obtained into the #Welcome channel. Thank you for not advertising RUST servers here For the moment, Fearless-Assassins don't have servers in Rust game, but can be possible in future depending on the number of members interested in it
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.