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Making my Own Rig: CPU, Motherboard and Fan Layout

Alright so I finally picked up my MOBO and CPU today.


I went with an Athlon II x4 620 for $108.99 and MSI 790X-G45 ATX AM3 Crossfire Motherboard for $89.99. Both are just average mobo + CPU compared to what is out there in todays market, but its good enough for me. When installing the CPU, you have to lift the safety arm, and then just drop the damn thing in. Afterwards close the safety arm and put the stock cooling on (no tube lube needed because the retail stock cooler already has the thermal compound on it). The mobo just screw the damn thing in but make sure you screw in the board lifts !! (i forgot one and the board was slanted =P).




I also replaced the yale loons rear fan i had with another one with higher CFM. I think the old fan might have a faulty bearing because i noticed it wiggles a bit when it rotates and didn't push that much air out (strange). If you see closely, i replaced the red fan with the blue one =D




So Everything is in, i plug in the case plugs (Power switch, Power led and Reset Switch. It has no HDD led lawl. Cheap case). The ATX 24 pin PSU cable to the Mobo is in and the sata cables for the dvd drive and hdd are in too.


Go to turn the facker on. Shit the fackers on !!! The usb power works, mobo board lights up, fans go, CPU fan goes and I go check the VGA slot on the back.......




FACKKKKK. Its a facking Female connection !! Most (almost all i see) were male VGA connectors on the back. This one is female? Wtf. So i got to buy a 12 dollar cable now D=. Since i want to save 12 bucks, i put in this cheap PCI graphics card that i ripped from my old computer.



So i try to test it instead by putting in this shitty 8400 gt PCI graphics card that came with my old comp (not PCI-e....PCI lawl) to check out the bios. I shove it in the PCI slot. The Video card fan goes, i hear it vrumming (so i know the mobo is working at least judging by the phase lights, turn on response, usb power, cpu fan, and pci voltage). Plug the VGA male to male cable in andddd.............nothingg. After an hr of going "WTH mate", I find out that I forgot to put in the 4 pin power cord next to the CPU D=.......


Okay and lastly I have to show you my fan layout. The intake fans have higher CFM than the output. So in the end more intake is occuring than output by around 10 CFM. I would say it is pretty even.




I also used Thundercunt's Fan layout as a reference. Thanks thundercunt =)




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Athlon II x4 620 :(



Athlon II x4 620 :(


It's the cheapest quad core I could afford. It isn't the best at OCing but for the price i paid i am okay with it haha.


I can't afford intel i5 or i7 mobo or the CPU. The i3 ibenchmarks the same as the 620 but was 100 bucks more and had better OCing capabilities . I was considering a Phenom x 2 550 (not black edition because thats like $70-100+ more) but the benchmarks showed it varied (depending on the game. For games that utlizes multi core processing it was lower but for single core utlization it was higher).


Haha don't give me the sad face Dareeeee !!! *pokes*. If I had more money I would have definitely went with an i5 + i5 mobo combo. :yahoo :yahoo :yahoo



That's a nice looking rig Onion. Could you give me a link to the video card cooler you referenced.


:agree on the i5 combo, but not all of us can be high rollers like Dare.



AMD is fine for budget builds. That's a nice rig for the price you paid man. Love the way that mobo looks. You skimped on all the parts you should have. I'd suggest a 4850 for a video card, they can be found for less than $100 on ebay. The reference coolers on those are good enough but most vendors made nice cooling for the 48xx's. Sapphire's is the best, I have my Sapphire 4830 on a GPU overclocked from 500 to 800MHz and my VRAM from 700 to 1100MHz and it never even gets close to getting hot, even after 6 hour sessions of MW2 single player cranked up to max at 1280x1024. The integrated graphics in the 790 chipset are nice enough to be used to run a second monitor, I'm able to play Knights of the Old Republic II on one screen and watch Star Wars in Blu-ray on the other with no problems on the 780 chipset. That's a weird lookin I/O man.



AMD is fine for budget builds. That's a nice rig for the price you paid man. Love the way that mobo looks. You skimped on all the parts you should have. I'd suggest a 4850 for a video card, they can be found for less than $100 on ebay. The reference coolers on those are good enough but most vendors made nice cooling for the 48xx's. Sapphire's is the best, I have my Sapphire 4830 on a GPU overclocked from 500 to 800MHz and my VRAM from 700 to 1100MHz and it never even gets close to getting hot, even after 6 hour sessions of MW2 single player cranked up to max at 1280x1024. The integrated graphics in the 790 chipset are nice enough to be used to run a second monitor, I'm able to play Knights of the Old Republic II on one screen and watch Star Wars in Blu-ray on the other with no problems on the 780 chipset. That's a weird lookin I/O man.


Ty =). Hey its all good. 8 seconds to install ET is a major improvement to how long it took before =D.


Also I went with the HD 5770 for a video card. It benches at almost the same level as a HD4870 for the same price ($174.99 Canadian ), but a heck of a lot more efficient on its wattage consumption. To be honest I wanted to get a HD 4870 or GTX 260 but I figure I would settle for the one of the newer cards (good choice? I am really not sure to be honest. I do know it saves a heck of a lot on wattage compared to the latter two).



sexy! Nice job.


Thanks. Its a budget gaming PC so it can't get much sexier (unless you have more money. Then you get a heck of a lot sexy out of it)

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