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somthing to share with you al

when I sleep I get sometimes difficult from my
sleep do not know how it comes.
when I dream I often dream about the environment
where I am, I'll do as I'm awake.
but is not that the felon is when I try to get awake
always come back to the same place.


will be strange to come to share this but once it
I'm awake. I feel very strange at. :unsure: >>> google translate

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bad translate....I use to get what I call dream loops...dream of a problem or task and never solving...just come back to beginning over and over....I do yoga breathing now..deep breaths before sleep and think happy thoughts..I dream better now :)

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it was translate from google befor i copy and put it heer

but i now google dont always translate it good as you won

say from dutch to english or as i copy english and translate it to dutch .



but thx rasking but i have that not every night but it is over com me more .

and feel me after al so sad its  locked in my dream and feel you dont get out off it  .



If you prefer, I can translate it for you. Just type it in Dutch in a private message, and I'll copy an english version to this blog post.


Also, you could try melanine (probably available at a local supermarket) and/or Wim Hof Breathing Exercise (1x/day, in the early morning). It'll f*** you up the first 1-2 days, but after that it may help with various things including insomnia and stuff.



the translation is rough , that much is for sure , but i understand what you mean , and you have my sympathies . remember to stay strong and have faith , you and your people will overcome this situation and will be victorious , and one day soon , you will not have to fear your dreams , but instead , you willl look forward to them . i am sure that the translation of this will most likely be rough as well  , just know that my prayers and hopes are with you and all the people of Belgium .



i take herbal remidie for lack of sleep and i dont mean weed :P, its something called kalms sleep, they also do a non drousy version for day time to keep you calm.

no bad side effects.

i understand the bad sleep & weird dreams. long time sufferer myself. you know where to find me if you need to talk buddy :)



all my dreams doesn't make sense :)

Sometimes I dream I'm going to space in a car..

Last time I dreamed about space I almost destroyed the earth gravity lol

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all my dreams doesn't make sense :)

Sometimes I dream I'm going to space in a car..

Last time I dreamed about space I almost destroyed the earth gravity lol

to mutch starwars movie's lol 



I don't dream, maybe once or twice a year at best

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