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Lost skill of discussion

I'm going to keep this short and to the point.


Have we forgotten the ability to discuss topics, while keeping mutual respect for each other? Many people (it seems like) want to avoid the hard discussions, but why? Well, because they are hard discussions, and generally (it seems like) these discussions turn into a fight or a yelling argument. Once a fight or "yelling" comes out, the discussion is lost and becomes pointless.


Arguments and discussions are great and it seems like in some subjects it goes very well. However look around the internet, even some of the topics on this forum, it seems like the mutual respect has been lost and so there is no discussion.


A good example is when discussing religion. On all sides, the respect has disappeared and people end up fighting and yelling. Look at youtube, yahoo answers, etc who have degenerated further. Where even a simple discussion on an opinion (which singer you like) has become fighting and yelling.


We have lost the ability to discuss topics, and unless we start relearning (ourselves) and teaching our children to do so...it will only get worse.



*edit: I was kinda hoping this would turn into a good discussion, but I guess that would disprove my idea. ;) hehe

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Sorry for anyone who wanted to comment, I didn't realize the comments were disabled.

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Isn't that kind of hilarious considering the topic? Hehe..  Anyway, very well said :D

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Just so everyone knows, I'm not trying to say that I have it all figured out. I'm just trying to put into words what I've been thinking about lately.

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I think a very large reason for the breakdown in civility on the inter webs is a many part problem, We have a generation that has spent more time online " talking" to people than face to face, by online I mean any text or video based communications. IRL there is a certain degree of decorum required when discussion " those" topics, You can't be a complete and total ass hat to someones face without risking a broken nose or black eye, or worse. The net has allowed people from vastly different social/political forms to interact without having to understand each others position first and therefore anger/passion shows up when you feel attacked. People need to realize that on the internet, nothing is temporary and it is extremely hard to convey sarcasm and humor. Even the use of LOL and other emotive text, just because you think something is funny doesn't mean  you're not being an ass. I could be completely off with this and maybe everyone has just really became assholes IRL, But I have to believe its just an act to make themselves feel good at someone else's expense or you are right Jopa, we are screwed.

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I think a very large reason for the breakdown in civility on the inter webs is a many part problem, We have a generation that has spent more time online " talking" to people than face to face, by online I mean any text or video based communications. IRL there is a certain degree of decorum required when discussion " those" topics, You can't be a complete and total ass hat to someones face without risking a broken nose or black eye, or worse. The net has allowed people from vastly different social/political forms to interact without having to understand each others position first and therefore anger/passion shows up when you feel attacked. People need to realize that on the internet, nothing is temporary and it is extremely hard to convey sarcasm and humor. Even the use of LOL and other emotive text, just because you think something is funny doesn't mean  you're not being an ass. I could be completely off with this and maybe everyone has just really became assholes IRL, But I have to believe its just an act to make themselves feel good at someone else's expense or you are right Jopa, we are screwed.

I agree completely when it comes to the inter webz. But I also think people have lost the ability to discuss things in real life too.

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that's what I was getting at and I forgot to include it. I think the break down started when we began talking more online and less in person. As a result our ability to communicate civilly has suffered IRL as well. Not saying that online is to blame, it's more the human condition to be a jerk when you can't be hurt back and the net offers that buffer, people have just taken for granted that the way they are online is acceptable off



Crap....Anji, I am sorry :) I called you Jopa by accident, damn me and not reading the post correctly lol



I disagree with the opinions expressed in this blog and therefore will attack the writer's character while making no real effort to understand or consider the opinions of others!


But really, he's right. It seems as if people are incapable of keeping emotions out of an argument.

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I disagree with the opinions expressed in this blog and therefore will attack the writer's character while making no real effort to understand or consider the opinions of others!


But really, he's right. It seems as if people are incapable of keeping emotions out of an argument.

I will respond in anger and insult you back. My insult was bigger, therefore I win.

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  • Clan Friend


I think many people can't tell the difference between facts and tastes/opinions


I don't think it's ok to attack someone for things they like or opinions they have, unless they harm someone it's 'live and let live' for me


When it comes to logic or facts, if I think (and I could even be wrong!) someone is wrong, then I try to correct them - and even this is mostly useless, because when someone is wrong about a matter of pure logic, most probably they can't understand why


And when someone says such things as 'I like X, and Y is sh*t' they should rather say 'and I don't like Y'


People tend to attach too much importance to things they like, or things they believe in, as if they were universal, pity that they're not. And I agree that's easier to attack people when you're not face to face, but you are behind a computer screen.

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I think many people can't tell the difference between facts and tastes/opinions


I don't think it's ok to attack someone for things they like or opinions they have, unless they harm someone it's 'live and let live' for me


When it comes to logic or facts, if I think (and I could even be wrong!) someone is wrong, then I try to correct them - and even this is mostly useless, because when someone is wrong about a matter of pure logic, most probably they can't understand why


And when someone says such things as 'I like X, and Y is sh*t' they should rather say 'and I don't like Y'


People tend to attach too much importance to things they like, or things they believe in, as if they were universal, pity that they're not. And I agree that's easier to attack people when you're not face to face, but you are behind a computer screen.

I agree with most of what you said, you cannot argue about opinions. Well I guess you could, but it would be pointless.


I'm a Christian though, so I believe there are absolutes and facts beyond only what science tells us. But that is another discussion for another time. We don't have to agree on everything to able to discuss things and respect each other.

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